在 python pandas 中创建按周滚动分组的列的滚动总和
Create a rolling sum of a column which is grouped by weeks on a rolling basis in python pandas
我有以下 pandas 数据框,
status1 status2 location1 datetime1 grouping service capacity
0 xx xx xx 01-01-2020 11:50:00 xx xx 150
1 xx xx xx 01-01-2020 11:57:00 xx xx 200
2 xx xx xx 01-01-2020 11:59:00 xx xx 200
3 xx xx xx 01-01-2020 13:59:00 xx xx 200
x xx xx xx 01-02-2020 13:59:00 xx xx 300
x xx xx xx 01-03-2020 13:04:00 xx xx 300
x xx xx xx 07-03-2021 13:04:00 xx xx 400
x xx xx xx 07-03-2021 13:04:00 xx xx 300
x xx xx xx 07-03-2021 13:04:00 xx xx 300
WeekStartingSunday countofstatus1 sumofcapacity
0 1 50 3000
1 2 30 2000
2 3 ... ...
3 4 ... ...
因此第 1 周包含 2020 年第一周内所有日期的总和。该周将从星期日开始。我还想为其他日子创建表格,例如星期一星期二等。
我试过了df.groupby('capacity').rolling(7).sum() but it just sums up every 7 rows i think.
group = pd.pivot_table(df,columns='capacity', index='datetime1')
group2 = group.resample('D').sum().rolling(7).sum()
capacity 1.0 2.0 2.25 2.40 3.0....
2020-01-01 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ...
2021-01-02 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ...
2021-01-07 322.1 326.5 117 0.0 275.2 ...
这可以在 pandas 中完成吗?
- 将日期字符串转换为日期时间格式。假设日期在
# Use dayfirst=True for dates in dd-mm-YYYY
df['datetimea1'] = pd.to_datetime(df['datetimea1'], dayfirst=True)
- 用 iso 日历周定义列
df['WeekStartingMonday'] = df['datetimea1'].dt.isocalendar().week
df_out = (df.groupby('WeekStartingMonday', as_index=False)
.agg(countofstatus1=('status1', 'count'), sumofcapacity=('capacity', 'sum'))
status1 status2 location1 datetimea1 grouping service capacity
0 xx xx xx 01-01-2020 11:50:00 xx xx 150
1 xx xx xx 01-01-2020 11:57:00 xx xx 200
2 xx xx xx 01-01-2020 11:59:00 xx xx 200
3 xx xx xx 01-01-2020 13:59:00 xx xx 200
4 xx xx xx 01-02-2020 13:59:00 xx xx 300
5 xx xx xx 01-03-2020 13:04:00 xx xx 300
6 xx xx xx 07-03-2021 13:04:00 xx xx 400
7 xx xx xx 07-03-2021 13:04:00 xx xx 300
8 xx xx xx 07-03-2021 13:04:00 xx xx 300
WeekStartingMonday countofstatus1 sumofcapacity
0 1 4 750
1 5 1 300
2 9 4 1300
1) Sunday/Monday作为一周的第一天的其他选项:
您可以使用 .dt.strftime()
%U week number of year, with Sunday as first day of week (00..53).
%V ISO week number, with Monday as first day of week (01..53).
%W week number of year, with Monday as first day of week (00..53).
df['WeekStartingSunday'] = df['datetimea1'].dt.strftime('%U')
df['WeekStartingMonday'] = df['datetimea1'].dt.strftime('%V')
df['WeekStartingMonday'] = df['datetimea1'].dt.strftime('%W')
更多信息可以参考official document of strftime() format codes.
2) 将一周中的任意一天定义为一周的第一天:
您可以将日期转换为 Period,表示在一周中的特定一天结束的周。例如:要获取从周二开始(到周一结束)的一周的不同周数,您可以使用:
df['Period'] = df['datetimea1'].dt.to_period('W-MON') # W-MON is the for a custom week ending on MON (i.e. starting on TUE)
df['WeekStartingTuesday'] = df['Period'].dt.week
的周数可能为 1 或 2。无论如何,对于连续 7 天需要不同周数的用例,它应该仍能很好地服务。
没有直接的方法可以在一周中的特定日期将双周频率设置为 start/end。另一种解决方法可能是
df['Period'] = df['datetimea1'].dt.to_period('W-MON') # W-MON is the for a custom week ending on MON (i.e. starting on TUE)
df['BiWeeklyStartingTuesday'] = df['Period'].dt.week // 2 # Get bi-weekly number
我有以下 pandas 数据框,
status1 status2 location1 datetime1 grouping service capacity
0 xx xx xx 01-01-2020 11:50:00 xx xx 150
1 xx xx xx 01-01-2020 11:57:00 xx xx 200
2 xx xx xx 01-01-2020 11:59:00 xx xx 200
3 xx xx xx 01-01-2020 13:59:00 xx xx 200
x xx xx xx 01-02-2020 13:59:00 xx xx 300
x xx xx xx 01-03-2020 13:04:00 xx xx 300
x xx xx xx 07-03-2021 13:04:00 xx xx 400
x xx xx xx 07-03-2021 13:04:00 xx xx 300
x xx xx xx 07-03-2021 13:04:00 xx xx 300
WeekStartingSunday countofstatus1 sumofcapacity
0 1 50 3000
1 2 30 2000
2 3 ... ...
3 4 ... ...
因此第 1 周包含 2020 年第一周内所有日期的总和。该周将从星期日开始。我还想为其他日子创建表格,例如星期一星期二等。
我试过了df.groupby('capacity').rolling(7).sum() but it just sums up every 7 rows i think.
group = pd.pivot_table(df,columns='capacity', index='datetime1')
group2 = group.resample('D').sum().rolling(7).sum()
capacity 1.0 2.0 2.25 2.40 3.0....
2020-01-01 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ...
2021-01-02 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ...
2021-01-07 322.1 326.5 117 0.0 275.2 ...
这可以在 pandas 中完成吗?
- 将日期字符串转换为日期时间格式。假设日期在
# Use dayfirst=True for dates in dd-mm-YYYY
df['datetimea1'] = pd.to_datetime(df['datetimea1'], dayfirst=True)
- 用 iso 日历周定义列
df['WeekStartingMonday'] = df['datetimea1'].dt.isocalendar().week
df_out = (df.groupby('WeekStartingMonday', as_index=False)
.agg(countofstatus1=('status1', 'count'), sumofcapacity=('capacity', 'sum'))
status1 status2 location1 datetimea1 grouping service capacity
0 xx xx xx 01-01-2020 11:50:00 xx xx 150
1 xx xx xx 01-01-2020 11:57:00 xx xx 200
2 xx xx xx 01-01-2020 11:59:00 xx xx 200
3 xx xx xx 01-01-2020 13:59:00 xx xx 200
4 xx xx xx 01-02-2020 13:59:00 xx xx 300
5 xx xx xx 01-03-2020 13:04:00 xx xx 300
6 xx xx xx 07-03-2021 13:04:00 xx xx 400
7 xx xx xx 07-03-2021 13:04:00 xx xx 300
8 xx xx xx 07-03-2021 13:04:00 xx xx 300
WeekStartingMonday countofstatus1 sumofcapacity
0 1 4 750
1 5 1 300
2 9 4 1300
1) Sunday/Monday作为一周的第一天的其他选项:
您可以使用 .dt.strftime()
%U week number of year, with Sunday as first day of week (00..53).
%V ISO week number, with Monday as first day of week (01..53).
%W week number of year, with Monday as first day of week (00..53).
df['WeekStartingSunday'] = df['datetimea1'].dt.strftime('%U')
df['WeekStartingMonday'] = df['datetimea1'].dt.strftime('%V')
df['WeekStartingMonday'] = df['datetimea1'].dt.strftime('%W')
更多信息可以参考official document of strftime() format codes.
2) 将一周中的任意一天定义为一周的第一天:
您可以将日期转换为 Period,表示在一周中的特定一天结束的周。例如:要获取从周二开始(到周一结束)的一周的不同周数,您可以使用:
df['Period'] = df['datetimea1'].dt.to_period('W-MON') # W-MON is the for a custom week ending on MON (i.e. starting on TUE)
df['WeekStartingTuesday'] = df['Period'].dt.week
的周数可能为 1 或 2。无论如何,对于连续 7 天需要不同周数的用例,它应该仍能很好地服务。
没有直接的方法可以在一周中的特定日期将双周频率设置为 start/end。另一种解决方法可能是
df['Period'] = df['datetimea1'].dt.to_period('W-MON') # W-MON is the for a custom week ending on MON (i.e. starting on TUE)
df['BiWeeklyStartingTuesday'] = df['Period'].dt.week // 2 # Get bi-weekly number