带有 Azure SQL 个数据库和 MySQL 个数据库的 Azure 弹性池

Azure Elastic Pool with Azure SQL Databases and MySQL databases


是否可以在 Azure 中使用 Azure SQL 数据库和 MySQL 数据库创建弹性池?

或者由托管实例和 MySQL 数据库组成的弹性池?

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=== 从 https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/279553/azure-elastic-pool-is-it-supported-for-mysql


Azure DB MySQL 类似于 Azure SQL 数据库弹性池或 Azure SQL 数据库托管实例。

With Azure DB for MySQL server, we can create one or multiple DBs. We can >

  1. Create a single DB per server to use all the resources or
  2. Create multiple databases to share the resources. The pricing is structured per-server, based on the configuration of pricing tier, vCores, and storage (GB).


在 Azure 中类似 SQL 数据库弹性池

Azure SQL DB elastic pools are cost-effective solution for managing and scaling multiple databases that have varying and unpredictable usage demands. The DBs in an elastic pool are on a single server and share a set number of resources at a set price. Elastic pools in Azure SQL DB enable SaaS developers to optimize the price performance for a group of databases within a prescribed budget while delivering performance elasticity for each database.


只有 Azure SQL DB 具有在同一逻辑服务器中拥有多个具有不同物理资源的数据库的功能。 在 MySQL 的 Azure 数据库中,如果您希望拥有两个具有自己专用资源的数据库,则需要为 MySQL 服务器拥有两个单独的 Azure 数据库。

我完全同意 MadhurajVadde-MT:

In Azure DBs for MySQL, If you wish to have two DBs with their own dedicated resources, you need to have two separate Azure DBs for MySQL Servers.

这听起来可能很荒谬,但所有 Azure OSS 服务器都默认存储多个数据库:

