为什么我在 Timber/Twig 中的运算符不适用于我的条件语句?

Why are my operators in Timber/Twig not working for my conditional statements?

我在我正在开发的自定义 WordPress 主题中 运行 Timber/Twig 中的多个 ifelseifand 语句。但我似乎在正确评估这些陈述时遇到问题,尤其是涉及日期和多个 and - 我只是想知道我是否可能没有正确地做,或者我不能使用多个 and 在声明中 ??这是我的示例数据:

{% if datenow < launchdate %}
  {# Do not show Products #}
{% elseif datenow > launchdate and post.product_widget.stock_qty > '0' %}
  {# Display the Products #}
{% elseif post.product_widget.stock_qty < '500' %}
  {% if post.product_widget.stock_qty < '400' and datenow < seasonend %}
    {# Run a 10% discount until stock drop below 200 items #}
  {% elseif post.product_widget.stock_qty < '200' and datenow < seasonend %}
    {# Price products back at regular price #}
  {% elseif post.product_widget.stock_qty < '100' and datenow < seasonend and post.sale_status %}
    {# Display products banner and bump to top of site #}
  {% elseif post.product_widget.stock_qty < '50' and datenow < thanksgvng and datenow < seasonend %}
    {# Get another 100 items to last until season ends #}
  {% elseif post.product_widget.stock_qty > '10' and datenow < thanksgvng and datenow < seasonend %}
    {# Display shortage on hand and urge to buy now #}
  {% elseif post.product_widget.stock_qty > '40' and datenow > thanksgvng and datenow < seasonend %}
    {# Run Sale of the season on remaining stock #}
  {% elseif post.product_widget.stock_qty < '10' and datenow > thanksgvng and datenow < seasonend %}
    {# Double the discount on remaining stock #}
  {% elseif post.product_widget.stock_qty < '0' and datenow > thanksgvng and datenow < seasonend %}
    {# Thank-you but we are now out of stock on this item, please check back next year! #}
  {% elseif post.product_widget.stock_qty < '0' and datenow > thanksgvng and datenow > seasonend %}
    {# Hide product and remaining inventory #}
  {% else %}
    {# Display Error Code #}
  {% endif %}
{% else %}
  {# Display Error Code #}
{% endif %}

如果我使用 <= 或 >= 或用括号括起来,这似乎没有什么不同 {% if (post.product_widget.stock_qty < '400') and (datenow < seasonend) %} 任何帮助和启发都会让我松一口气,因为这个问题有点令人沮丧。



{% if date("NOW") < date(launchdate) %}
   {# do stuff #}
{% endif %}

第二个问题是,如果 stock 大于 0

,您的第二个 elseif 将永远不会被触发

第三个问题有点类似于第一个问题,如果一只股票小于 X,if 将启动,所有其他 elseif 块将不会被触发。你必须扭转那些周围或添加额外的约束。


{% if date("NOW") > launchdate|date %}
    {% if post.product_widget.stock_qty > 0 %}
        {% if date("NOW") < date(seasonend) %}
            {% if date("NOW") > date(thanksgvng) %}
                {% if post.product_widget.stock_qty < 10 %}
                     Double the discount on remaining stock 
                {% elseif post.product_widget.stock_qty < 40 %}
                     Run Sale of the season on remaining stock 
                {% endif %}
            {% else %}
                {% if post.product_widget.stock_qty < 50 %}
                     Get another 100 items to last until season ends 
                {% elseif post.product_widget.stock_qty < 100 %}
                     Display products banner and bump to top of site 
                {% elseif post.product_widget.stock_qty < 200 %}
                     Price products back at regular price 
                {% elseif post.product_widget.stock_qty < 400 %}
                     Run a 10% discount until stock drop below 200 items 
                {% else %}
                     Show normal situation 
                {% endif %}

                {% if post.product_widget.stock_qty < 10 %}
                     Display shortage on hand and urge to buy now 
                {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
        {% endif %}
    {% elseif date("NOW") < date(seasonend) %}
         Thank-you but we are now out of stock on this item, please check back next year! 
    {% endif %}
{% endif %}


在演示中替换了 date("NOW"),因此您可以尝试测试代码段


{% if post.product_widget.stock_qty <= 400 and post.product_widget.stock_qty > 200 %}
    Between 400 and 200
{% elseif post.product_widget.stock_qty <= 200 and post.product_widget.stock_qty > 100 %}
    Between 200 and 100
{% else %}
    Lesser than 100
{% endif %}
