
Why does the computer generates so many random places?

我正在制作一个井字游戏,其中玩家与计算机对战。问题是,我编写了一个 rand() 定义,它仅在没有组合时调用,例如。玩家在 1x1 和 1x2 上没有 'X' 或者玩家在 1x3 和 1x2 上没有 'X'。然后计算机生成一个随机框,必须用 'O' 填充,但计算机会填充除 'X' 框之外的所有剩余 space。 我需要计算机只填充一个随机 space,然后将 player.turn 变为“播放器”。 请记住,我还没有完成 computer.defend().



import pygame,os,random #import

os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1' # You have to call this before pygame.init()

pygame.init() #initilization

###########creating screen#############
info = pygame.display.Info()
screen_width,screen_height = info.current_w,info.current_h
window_width,window_height = screen_width,screen_height-65

canvas = pygame.display.set_mode((window_width,window_height)) #setting the screen
##########loading images##############
bckgrnd = pygame.image.load("images/background 2.jfif") # background image
bckgrnd = pygame.transform.smoothscale(bckgrnd, (window_width,window_height)) #resizing background

xImage = pygame.image.load("images/x image.png") # loading x Image
oImage = pygame.image.load("images/o image.png")

places = {"1x1":" ","1x2":" ","1x3":" ","2x1":" ","2x2":" ","2x3":" ","3x1":" ","3x2":" ","3x3":" "}
turn = "player"

############# Fucntions ############
def arena():
    ####drawing lines####
    pygame.draw.line(canvas, (0,0,0),(650,100),(650,750),10)
    pygame.draw.line(canvas, (0,0,0),(900,100),(900,750),10)
    pygame.draw.line(canvas, (0,0,0),(450,300),(1100,300),10)
    pygame.draw.line(canvas, (0,0,0),(450,550),(1100,550),10)
    ####curving the edges of lines####
    pygame.draw.circle(canvas, (0,0,0), (1103,301), 5)
    pygame.draw.circle(canvas, (0,0,0), (450,301), 5)
    pygame.draw.circle(canvas, (0,0,0), (450,551), 5)
    pygame.draw.circle(canvas, (0,0,0), (1100,551), 5)
    pygame.draw.circle(canvas, (0,0,0), (901,100), 5)
    pygame.draw.circle(canvas, (0,0,0), (651,100), 5)
    pygame.draw.circle(canvas, (0,0,0), (651,750), 5)
    pygame.draw.circle(canvas, (0,0,0), (901,750), 5)

def checkX(): #drawing x
    if places["1x1"] == "x":
        canvas.blit(xImage, (450,100))
    if places["1x2"] == "x":
        canvas.blit(xImage, (690,100))
    if places["1x3"] == "x":
        canvas.blit(xImage, (920,100))
    if places["2x1"] == "x":
        canvas.blit(xImage, (450,340))
    if places["2x2"] == "x":
    if places["2x3"] == "x":
        canvas.blit(xImage, (920,340))
    if places["3x1"] == "x":
        canvas.blit(xImage, (450,570))
    if places["3x2"] == "x":
        canvas.blit(xImage, (690,570))
    if places["3x3"] == "x":

def checkO():
    if places["1x1"] == "o":
        canvas.blit(oImage, (450,100))
    if places["1x2"] == "o":
        canvas.blit(oImage, (690,100))
    if places["1x3"] == "o":
        canvas.blit(oImage, (920,100))
    if places["2x1"] == "o":
        canvas.blit(oImage, (450,340))
    if places["2x2"] == "o":
    if places["2x3"] == "o":
        canvas.blit(oImage, (920,340))
    if places["3x1"] == "o":
        canvas.blit(oImage, (450,570))
    if places["3x2"] == "o":
        canvas.blit(oImage, (690,570))
    if places["3x3"] == "o":
class players: # player class
    def __init__(self,canvas,places,turn): # initialzing variables
        self.canvas = canvas
        self.places = places
        self.turn = turn
    def mouse(self,event): # mouse detection
        self.event = event
        #######mouse position#########
        self.mouseX = pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0]
        self.mouseY = pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1]
        if self.event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
            ######1st line detection#######
            if self.mouseX < 650 and self.mouseX > 450:
                if self.mouseY < 300 and self.mouseY > 100:
                    self.places["1x1"] = "x"
                    self.turn = "computer"
            if self.mouseX < 900 and self.mouseX > 650:
                if self.mouseY < 300 and self.mouseY > 100:
                    self.places["1x2"] = "x"
                    self.turn = "computer"
            if self.mouseX < 1100 and self.mouseX > 900:
                if self.mouseY < 300 and self.mouseY > 100:
                    self.places["1x3"] = "x"
                    self.turn = "computer"
            #######2nd line detection########                    
            if self.mouseX < 650 and self.mouseX > 450:
                if self.mouseY < 550 and self.mouseY > 300:
                    self.places["2x1"] = "x"
                    self.turn = "computer"
            if self.mouseX < 900 and self.mouseX > 650:
                if self.mouseY < 550 and self.mouseY > 300:
                    self.places["2x2"] = "x"
                    self.turn = "computer"
            if self.mouseX < 1100 and self.mouseX > 900:
                if self.mouseY < 550 and self.mouseY > 300:
                    self.places["2x3"] = "x"
                    self.turn = "computer"
            ###########3rd line detection###########
            if self.mouseX < 650 and self.mouseX > 450:
                if self.mouseY < 900 and self.mouseY > 550:
                    self.places["3x1"] = "x"
                    self.turn = "computer"
            if self.mouseX < 900 and self.mouseX > 650:
                if self.mouseY < 900 and self.mouseY > 550:
                    self.places["3x2"] = "x"
                    self.turn = "computer"
            if self.mouseX < 1100 and self.mouseX > 900:
                if self.mouseY < 900 and self.mouseY > 550:
                    self.places["3x3"] = "x"
                    self.turn = "computer"
class comp:
    def __init__(self,canvas,places):
        self.canvas = canvas
        self.places = places
    def rand(self): 
        self.ran = random.choice(list(self.places.keys()))
        if self.ran == "1x1":
            player.turn = "player"
            self.places["1x1"] = "o"
        if self.ran == "1x2":
            player.turn = "player"
            self.places["1x2"] = "o"
        if self.ran == "1x3":
            player.turn = "player"
            self.places["1x3"] = "o"
        if self.ran == "2x1":
            player.turn = "player"
            self.places["2x1"] = "o"
        if self.ran == "2x2":
            player.turn = "player"
            self.places["2x2"] = "o"
        if self.ran == "2x3":
            player.turn = "player"
            self.places["2x3"] = "o"
        if self.ran == "3x1":
            player.turn = "player"
            self.places["3x1"] = "o"
        if self.ran == "3x2":
            player.turn = "player"
            self.places["3x2"] = "o"
        if self.ran == "3x3":
            player.turn = "player"
            self.places["3x3"] = "o"
    def defend(self):   
        if self.places["1x1"] == "x" and self.places["1x2"] == "x":
            self.places["1x3"] = "o"
            player.turn = "player"
        if self.places["1x1"] == "x" and self.places["2x1"] == "x":
            self.places["3x1"] = "o"
            player.turn = "player"
        if self.places["1x2"] == "x" and self.places["1x3"] == "x":
            self.places["1x1"] = "o"
            player.turn = "player"
        if self.places["3x1"] == "x" and self.places["2x1"] == "x":
            self.places["1x1"] = "o"
            player.turn = "player"
        if self.places["3x1"] == "x" and self.places["1x1"] == "x":
            self.places["2x1"] = "o"
            player.turn = "player"
        if self.places["1x1"] == "x" and self.places["2x2"] == "x":
            self.places["3x3"] = "o"
            player.turn = "player"
        if self.places["1x2"] == "x" and self.places["2x2"] == "x":
            self.places["3x2"] = "o"
            player.turn = "player"
            player.turn = "player"
player = players(canvas,places,turn)
computer = comp(canvas,places)

while True: #main loop
    for event in pygame.event.get(): # event handler
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            from sys import exit
    canvas.blit(bckgrnd, (0,0)) # drawing background
    if player.turn == "player":
    checkX() #draw X
    if player.turn == "computer":
    checkO() #draw O

求助,这件事困扰了一个月。 谢谢


  1. 您在每次执行循环时都重新发送鼠标事件,而不是在它实际发生时重新发送。


while True: #main loop
    for event in pygame.event.get(): # event handler
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            from sys import exit
        if player.turn == "player":
    canvas.blit(bckgrnd, (0,0)) # drawing background

    checkX() #draw X
    if player.turn == "computer":
        player.turn = computer.defend()
    checkO() #draw O
  1. 您正在引用 class comp 内部的局部变量 player.turn,而不是引用玩家的变量 class。

为了解决这个问题,我 return 计算机对象的 turn 变量并将其分配给玩家对象的 turn 变量:

    def defend(self):
        if self.places["1x1"] == "x" and self.places["1x2"] == "x":
            self.places["1x3"] = "o"
            player.turn = "player"
        elif self.places["1x1"] == "x" and self.places["2x1"] == "x":
            self.places["3x1"] = "o"
            player.turn = "player"
        elif self.places["1x2"] == "x" and self.places["1x3"] == "x":
            self.places["1x1"] = "o"
            player.turn = "player"
        elif self.places["3x1"] == "x" and self.places["2x1"] == "x":
            self.places["1x1"] = "o"
            player.turn = "player"
        elif self.places["3x1"] == "x" and self.places["1x1"] == "x":
            self.places["2x1"] = "o"
            player.turn = "player"
        elif self.places["1x1"] == "x" and self.places["2x2"] == "x":
            self.places["3x3"] = "o"
            player.turn = "player"
        elif self.places["1x2"] == "x" and self.places["2x2"] == "x":
            self.places["3x2"] = "o"
            player.turn = "player"
            player.turn = "player"

        return player.turn

# inside the main loop:

if player.turn == "computer":
        player.turn = computer.defend()