在 Powershell 中使用正则表达式的单词计数器
word counter with regex in powershell
var words = "word worddd woord wooord 45555";
var wordCount = words.match(/([a-zA-Z]\w+)/g).length;
if(wordCount == 4 || wordCount == 6 ){
WScript.Echo(wordCount);//Result 4
如何制作一个像 jscript
一样工作的 ps1 脚本
cmdlet 有一个 -Word
$words = "word worddd woord wooord"
$wordCount = ($words | Measure-Object -Word).Words
if ($wordCount -in 4, 6){
$wordCount # -> 4
注意:如果您确实需要 PS v2 支持,请使用 4, 6 -contains $wordCount
代替 $wordCount -in 4, 6
要将被视为单词的内容限制为以(ASCII 范围)字母、 开头的内容,如您的问题所示,需要做更多的工作:
$words = "word worddd woord wooord 45555"
# Count only words that start with an (ASCII-range) letter.
$wordCount = ((-split $words) -match '^[a-z]\w+$').Count
if ($wordCount -in 4, 6){
$wordCount # -> 4, because '45555' wasn't counted.
的一元形式,即string splitting operator,通过空格将字符串拆分为一个标记数组。
,regular-expression matching operator,再次将每个结果标记与 RHS 正则表达式匹配:
默认查找 substrings,因此需要锚点 ^
和 $
默认情况下 不区分大小写 (PowerShell 通常如此),因此 [a-z]
returns 匹配标记的结果数组的长度(元素计数)。
var words = "word worddd woord wooord 45555";
var wordCount = words.match(/([a-zA-Z]\w+)/g).length;
if(wordCount == 4 || wordCount == 6 ){
WScript.Echo(wordCount);//Result 4
如何制作一个像 jscript
一样工作的 ps1 脚本一般来说:Measure-Object
cmdlet 有一个 -Word
$words = "word worddd woord wooord"
$wordCount = ($words | Measure-Object -Word).Words
if ($wordCount -in 4, 6){
$wordCount # -> 4
注意:如果您确实需要 PS v2 支持,请使用 4, 6 -contains $wordCount
代替 $wordCount -in 4, 6
要将被视为单词的内容限制为以(ASCII 范围)字母、 开头的内容,如您的问题所示,需要做更多的工作:
$words = "word worddd woord wooord 45555"
# Count only words that start with an (ASCII-range) letter.
$wordCount = ((-split $words) -match '^[a-z]\w+$').Count
if ($wordCount -in 4, 6){
$wordCount # -> 4, because '45555' wasn't counted.
的一元形式,即string splitting operator,通过空格将字符串拆分为一个标记数组。-match
,regular-expression matching operator,再次将每个结果标记与 RHS 正则表达式匹配:-match
默认查找 substrings,因此需要锚点^
默认情况下 不区分大小写 (PowerShell 通常如此),因此[a-z]
returns 匹配标记的结果数组的长度(元素计数)。