How to call a module object?
from threading import Thread
class ant_colony:
class ant(Thread):
def __init__(self, init_location, possible_locations, pheromone_map, distance_callback, alpha, beta, first_pass=False):
self.init_location = init_location
self.possible_locations = possible_locations
self.route = []
self.distance_traveled = 0.0
self.location = init_location
self.pheromone_map = pheromone_map
self.distance_callback = distance_callback
self.alpha = alpha
self.beta = beta
self.first_pass = first_pass
self.tour_complete = False
def run(self):
while self.possible_locations:
next = self._pick_path()
self._traverse(self.location, next)
self.tour_complete = True
def _pick_path(self):
if self.first_pass:
import random
return random.choice(self.possible_locations)
attractiveness = dict()
sum_total = 0.0
for possible_next_location in self.possible_locations:
pheromone_amount = float(self.pheromone_map[self.location][possible_next_location])
distance = float(self.distance_callback(self.location, possible_next_location))
attractiveness[possible_next_location] = pow(pheromone_amount, self.alpha)*pow(1/distance, self.beta)
sum_total += attractiveness[possible_next_location]
if sum_total == 0.0:
def next_up(x):
import math
import struct
if math.isnan(x) or (math.isinf(x) and x > 0):
return x
if x == 0.0:
x = 0.0
n = struct.unpack('<q', struct.pack('<d', x))[0]
if n >= 0:
n += 1
n -= 1
return struct.unpack('<d', struct.pack('<q', n))[0]
for key in attractiveness:
attractiveness[key] = next_up(attractiveness[key])
sum_total = next_up(sum_total)
import random
toss = random.random()
cummulative = 0
for possible_next_location in attractiveness:
weight = (attractiveness[possible_next_location] / sum_total)
if toss <= weight + cummulative:
return possible_next_location
cummulative += weight
def _traverse(self, start, end):
self._update_distance_traveled(start, end)
self.location = end
def _update_route(self, new):
def _update_distance_traveled(self, start, end):
self.distance_traveled += float(self.distance_callback(start, end))
def get_route(self):
if self.tour_complete:
return self.route
return None
def get_distance_traveled(self):
if self.tour_complete:
return self.distance_traveled
return None
def __init__(self, nodes, distance_callback, start=None, ant_count=50, alpha=.5, beta=1.2, pheromone_evaporation_coefficient=.40, pheromone_constant=1000.0, iterations=80):
if type(nodes) is not dict:
raise TypeError("nodes must be dict")
if len(nodes) < 1:
raise ValueError("there must be at least one node in dict nodes")
self.id_to_key, self.nodes = self._init_nodes(nodes)
self.distance_matrix = self._init_matrix(len(nodes))
self.pheromone_map = self._init_matrix(len(nodes))
self.ant_updated_pheromone_map = self._init_matrix(len(nodes))
if not callable(distance_callback):
raise TypeError("distance_callback is not callable, should be method")
self.distance_callback = distance_callback
if start is None:
self.start = 0
self.start = None
#init start to internal id of node id passed
for key, value in self.id_to_key.items():
if value == start:
self.start = key
#if we didn't find a key in the nodes passed in, then raise
if self.start is None:
raise KeyError("Key: " + str(start) + " not found in the nodes dict passed.")
if type(ant_count) is not int:
raise TypeError("ant_count must be int")
if ant_count < 1:
raise ValueError("ant_count must be >= 1")
self.ant_count = ant_count
if (type(alpha) is not int) and type(alpha) is not float:
raise TypeError("alpha must be int or float")
if alpha < 0:
raise ValueError("alpha must be >= 0")
self.alpha = float(alpha)
if (type(beta) is not int) and type(beta) is not float:
raise TypeError("beta must be int or float")
if beta < 1:
raise ValueError("beta must be >= 1")
self.beta = float(beta)
if (type(pheromone_evaporation_coefficient) is not int) and type(pheromone_evaporation_coefficient) is not float:
raise TypeError("pheromone_evaporation_coefficient must be int or float")
self.pheromone_evaporation_coefficient = float(pheromone_evaporation_coefficient)
if (type(pheromone_constant) is not int) and type(pheromone_constant) is not float:
raise TypeError("pheromone_constant must be int or float")
self.pheromone_constant = float(pheromone_constant)
if (type(iterations) is not int):
raise TypeError("iterations must be int")
if iterations < 0:
raise ValueError("iterations must be >= 0")
self.iterations = iterations
#other internal variable init
self.first_pass = True
self.ants = self._init_ants(self.start)
self.shortest_distance = None
self.shortest_path_seen = None
def _get_distance(self, start, end):
if not self.distance_matrix[start][end]:
distance = self.distance_callback(self.nodes[start], self.nodes[end])
if (type(distance) is not int) and (type(distance) is not float):
raise TypeError("distance_callback should return either int or float, saw: "+ str(type(distance)))
self.distance_matrix[start][end] = float(distance)
return distance
return self.distance_matrix[start][end]
def _init_nodes(self, nodes):
id_to_key = dict()
id_to_values = dict()
id = 0
for key in sorted(nodes.keys()):
id_to_key[id] = key
id_to_values[id] = nodes[key]
id += 1
return id_to_key, id_to_values
def _init_matrix(self, size, value=0.0):
ret = []
for row in range(size):
ret.append([float(value) for x in range(size)])
return ret
def _init_ants(self, start):
#allocate new ants on the first pass
if self.first_pass:
return [self.ant(start, self.nodes.keys(), self.pheromone_map, self._get_distance,
self.alpha, self.beta, first_pass=True) for x in range(self.ant_count)]
#else, just reset them to use on another pass
for ant in self.ants:
ant.__init__(start, self.nodes.keys(), self.pheromone_map, self._get_distance, self.alpha, self.beta)
def _update_pheromone_map(self):
#always a square matrix
for start in range(len(self.pheromone_map)):
for end in range(len(self.pheromone_map)):
#decay the pheromone value at this location
#tau_xy <- (1-rho)*tau_xy (ACO)
self.pheromone_map[start][end] = (1-self.pheromone_evaporation_coefficient)*self.pheromone_map[start][end]
#then add all contributions to this location for each ant that travered it
#tau_xy <- tau_xy + delta tau_xy_k
# delta tau_xy_k = Q / L_k
self.pheromone_map[start][end] += self.ant_updated_pheromone_map[start][end]
def _populate_ant_updated_pheromone_map(self, ant):
route = ant.get_route()
for i in range(len(route)-1):
#find the pheromone over the route the ant traversed
current_pheromone_value = float(self.ant_updated_pheromone_map[route[i]][route[i+1]])
#update the pheromone along that section of the route
# delta tau_xy_k = Q / L_k
new_pheromone_value = self.pheromone_constant/ant.get_distance_traveled()
self.ant_updated_pheromone_map[route[i]][route[i+1]] = current_pheromone_value + new_pheromone_value
self.ant_updated_pheromone_map[route[i+1]][route[i]] = current_pheromone_value + new_pheromone_value
def mainloop(self):
for _ in range(self.iterations):
#start the multi-threaded ants, calls ant.run() in a new thread
for ant in self.ants:
#wait until the ants are finished, before moving on to modifying shared resources
for ant in self.ants:
for ant in self.ants:
#update ant_updated_pheromone_map with this ant's constribution of pheromones along its route
#if we haven't seen any paths yet, then populate for comparisons later
if not self.shortest_distance:
self.shortest_distance = ant.get_distance_traveled()
if not self.shortest_path_seen:
self.shortest_path_seen = ant.get_route()
#if we see a shorter path, then save for return
if ant.get_distance_traveled() < self.shortest_distance:
self.shortest_distance = ant.get_distance_traveled()
self.shortest_path_seen = ant.get_route()
#decay current pheromone values and add all pheromone values we saw during traversal (from ant_updated_pheromone_map)
#flag that we finished the first pass of the ants traversal
if self.first_pass:
self.first_pass = False
#reset all ants to default for the next iteration
#reset ant_updated_pheromone_map to record pheromones for ants on next pass
self.ant_updated_pheromone_map = self._init_matrix(len(self.nodes), value=0)
#translate shortest path back into callers node id's
ret = []
for id in self.shortest_path_seen:
return ret
import ant_colony
import math
test_nodes = {0: (0, 7), 1: (3, 9), 2: (12, 4), 3: (14, 11), 4: (8, 11) ,5: (15, 6), 6: (6, 15), 7: (15, 9), 8: (12, 10), 9: (10, 7)}
def distance(start, end):
x_distance = abs(start[0] - end[0])
y_distance = abs(start[1] - end[1])
return math.sqrt(pow(x_distance, 2) + pow(y_distance, 2))
colony = ant_colony(test_nodes, distance)
answer = colony.mainloop()
但是当它 运行s 时,出现这个错误:
TypeError: 'module' object is not callable
我尝试了很多方法,但都没有用。我尝试测试两个坐标而不是 distance
您正在导入模块而不是 class。替换这行代码:
import ant_colony
from ant_colony import ant_colony
有什么区别?在我的示例中,您从名为 ant_colony
的文件中导入名为 ant_colony
的 class。第一件事是文件路径,第二件事是 class、函数等的名称
您可以看到错误提示 module
import ant_colony
你所做的是导入整个模块,而你真正想要的只是 class
from ant_colony import ant_colony
您必须将其称为 ant_colony.ant_colony(...)
,而不是 ant_colony(...)
查看此线程 TypeError: 'module' object is not callable
from threading import Thread
class ant_colony:
class ant(Thread):
def __init__(self, init_location, possible_locations, pheromone_map, distance_callback, alpha, beta, first_pass=False):
self.init_location = init_location
self.possible_locations = possible_locations
self.route = []
self.distance_traveled = 0.0
self.location = init_location
self.pheromone_map = pheromone_map
self.distance_callback = distance_callback
self.alpha = alpha
self.beta = beta
self.first_pass = first_pass
self.tour_complete = False
def run(self):
while self.possible_locations:
next = self._pick_path()
self._traverse(self.location, next)
self.tour_complete = True
def _pick_path(self):
if self.first_pass:
import random
return random.choice(self.possible_locations)
attractiveness = dict()
sum_total = 0.0
for possible_next_location in self.possible_locations:
pheromone_amount = float(self.pheromone_map[self.location][possible_next_location])
distance = float(self.distance_callback(self.location, possible_next_location))
attractiveness[possible_next_location] = pow(pheromone_amount, self.alpha)*pow(1/distance, self.beta)
sum_total += attractiveness[possible_next_location]
if sum_total == 0.0:
def next_up(x):
import math
import struct
if math.isnan(x) or (math.isinf(x) and x > 0):
return x
if x == 0.0:
x = 0.0
n = struct.unpack('<q', struct.pack('<d', x))[0]
if n >= 0:
n += 1
n -= 1
return struct.unpack('<d', struct.pack('<q', n))[0]
for key in attractiveness:
attractiveness[key] = next_up(attractiveness[key])
sum_total = next_up(sum_total)
import random
toss = random.random()
cummulative = 0
for possible_next_location in attractiveness:
weight = (attractiveness[possible_next_location] / sum_total)
if toss <= weight + cummulative:
return possible_next_location
cummulative += weight
def _traverse(self, start, end):
self._update_distance_traveled(start, end)
self.location = end
def _update_route(self, new):
def _update_distance_traveled(self, start, end):
self.distance_traveled += float(self.distance_callback(start, end))
def get_route(self):
if self.tour_complete:
return self.route
return None
def get_distance_traveled(self):
if self.tour_complete:
return self.distance_traveled
return None
def __init__(self, nodes, distance_callback, start=None, ant_count=50, alpha=.5, beta=1.2, pheromone_evaporation_coefficient=.40, pheromone_constant=1000.0, iterations=80):
if type(nodes) is not dict:
raise TypeError("nodes must be dict")
if len(nodes) < 1:
raise ValueError("there must be at least one node in dict nodes")
self.id_to_key, self.nodes = self._init_nodes(nodes)
self.distance_matrix = self._init_matrix(len(nodes))
self.pheromone_map = self._init_matrix(len(nodes))
self.ant_updated_pheromone_map = self._init_matrix(len(nodes))
if not callable(distance_callback):
raise TypeError("distance_callback is not callable, should be method")
self.distance_callback = distance_callback
if start is None:
self.start = 0
self.start = None
#init start to internal id of node id passed
for key, value in self.id_to_key.items():
if value == start:
self.start = key
#if we didn't find a key in the nodes passed in, then raise
if self.start is None:
raise KeyError("Key: " + str(start) + " not found in the nodes dict passed.")
if type(ant_count) is not int:
raise TypeError("ant_count must be int")
if ant_count < 1:
raise ValueError("ant_count must be >= 1")
self.ant_count = ant_count
if (type(alpha) is not int) and type(alpha) is not float:
raise TypeError("alpha must be int or float")
if alpha < 0:
raise ValueError("alpha must be >= 0")
self.alpha = float(alpha)
if (type(beta) is not int) and type(beta) is not float:
raise TypeError("beta must be int or float")
if beta < 1:
raise ValueError("beta must be >= 1")
self.beta = float(beta)
if (type(pheromone_evaporation_coefficient) is not int) and type(pheromone_evaporation_coefficient) is not float:
raise TypeError("pheromone_evaporation_coefficient must be int or float")
self.pheromone_evaporation_coefficient = float(pheromone_evaporation_coefficient)
if (type(pheromone_constant) is not int) and type(pheromone_constant) is not float:
raise TypeError("pheromone_constant must be int or float")
self.pheromone_constant = float(pheromone_constant)
if (type(iterations) is not int):
raise TypeError("iterations must be int")
if iterations < 0:
raise ValueError("iterations must be >= 0")
self.iterations = iterations
#other internal variable init
self.first_pass = True
self.ants = self._init_ants(self.start)
self.shortest_distance = None
self.shortest_path_seen = None
def _get_distance(self, start, end):
if not self.distance_matrix[start][end]:
distance = self.distance_callback(self.nodes[start], self.nodes[end])
if (type(distance) is not int) and (type(distance) is not float):
raise TypeError("distance_callback should return either int or float, saw: "+ str(type(distance)))
self.distance_matrix[start][end] = float(distance)
return distance
return self.distance_matrix[start][end]
def _init_nodes(self, nodes):
id_to_key = dict()
id_to_values = dict()
id = 0
for key in sorted(nodes.keys()):
id_to_key[id] = key
id_to_values[id] = nodes[key]
id += 1
return id_to_key, id_to_values
def _init_matrix(self, size, value=0.0):
ret = []
for row in range(size):
ret.append([float(value) for x in range(size)])
return ret
def _init_ants(self, start):
#allocate new ants on the first pass
if self.first_pass:
return [self.ant(start, self.nodes.keys(), self.pheromone_map, self._get_distance,
self.alpha, self.beta, first_pass=True) for x in range(self.ant_count)]
#else, just reset them to use on another pass
for ant in self.ants:
ant.__init__(start, self.nodes.keys(), self.pheromone_map, self._get_distance, self.alpha, self.beta)
def _update_pheromone_map(self):
#always a square matrix
for start in range(len(self.pheromone_map)):
for end in range(len(self.pheromone_map)):
#decay the pheromone value at this location
#tau_xy <- (1-rho)*tau_xy (ACO)
self.pheromone_map[start][end] = (1-self.pheromone_evaporation_coefficient)*self.pheromone_map[start][end]
#then add all contributions to this location for each ant that travered it
#tau_xy <- tau_xy + delta tau_xy_k
# delta tau_xy_k = Q / L_k
self.pheromone_map[start][end] += self.ant_updated_pheromone_map[start][end]
def _populate_ant_updated_pheromone_map(self, ant):
route = ant.get_route()
for i in range(len(route)-1):
#find the pheromone over the route the ant traversed
current_pheromone_value = float(self.ant_updated_pheromone_map[route[i]][route[i+1]])
#update the pheromone along that section of the route
# delta tau_xy_k = Q / L_k
new_pheromone_value = self.pheromone_constant/ant.get_distance_traveled()
self.ant_updated_pheromone_map[route[i]][route[i+1]] = current_pheromone_value + new_pheromone_value
self.ant_updated_pheromone_map[route[i+1]][route[i]] = current_pheromone_value + new_pheromone_value
def mainloop(self):
for _ in range(self.iterations):
#start the multi-threaded ants, calls ant.run() in a new thread
for ant in self.ants:
#wait until the ants are finished, before moving on to modifying shared resources
for ant in self.ants:
for ant in self.ants:
#update ant_updated_pheromone_map with this ant's constribution of pheromones along its route
#if we haven't seen any paths yet, then populate for comparisons later
if not self.shortest_distance:
self.shortest_distance = ant.get_distance_traveled()
if not self.shortest_path_seen:
self.shortest_path_seen = ant.get_route()
#if we see a shorter path, then save for return
if ant.get_distance_traveled() < self.shortest_distance:
self.shortest_distance = ant.get_distance_traveled()
self.shortest_path_seen = ant.get_route()
#decay current pheromone values and add all pheromone values we saw during traversal (from ant_updated_pheromone_map)
#flag that we finished the first pass of the ants traversal
if self.first_pass:
self.first_pass = False
#reset all ants to default for the next iteration
#reset ant_updated_pheromone_map to record pheromones for ants on next pass
self.ant_updated_pheromone_map = self._init_matrix(len(self.nodes), value=0)
#translate shortest path back into callers node id's
ret = []
for id in self.shortest_path_seen:
return ret
import ant_colony
import math
test_nodes = {0: (0, 7), 1: (3, 9), 2: (12, 4), 3: (14, 11), 4: (8, 11) ,5: (15, 6), 6: (6, 15), 7: (15, 9), 8: (12, 10), 9: (10, 7)}
def distance(start, end):
x_distance = abs(start[0] - end[0])
y_distance = abs(start[1] - end[1])
return math.sqrt(pow(x_distance, 2) + pow(y_distance, 2))
colony = ant_colony(test_nodes, distance)
answer = colony.mainloop()
但是当它 运行s 时,出现这个错误:
TypeError: 'module' object is not callable
我尝试了很多方法,但都没有用。我尝试测试两个坐标而不是 distance
您正在导入模块而不是 class。替换这行代码:
import ant_colony
from ant_colony import ant_colony
有什么区别?在我的示例中,您从名为 ant_colony
的文件中导入名为 ant_colony
的 class。第一件事是文件路径,第二件事是 class、函数等的名称
您可以看到错误提示 module
import ant_colony
你所做的是导入整个模块,而你真正想要的只是 class 所以你可以继续做
from ant_colony import ant_colony
您必须将其称为 ant_colony.ant_colony(...)
,而不是 ant_colony(...)
查看此线程 TypeError: 'module' object is not callable