Double Pendulum RK4
我正在尝试实施经典的 RK4 算法来求解控制运动方程的微分方程组。但是,我有一段时间遇到了几个问题。运动方程可以写成:
然而,我真的迷失了用 python 代码编写上面的系统。
这里有一个相关的问题:System of second order ODEs Runge Kutta 4th order which writes the system of ODES for a different physical system into Python code and also uses RK4 to solve it. However, I have not been able to use that to make my own code work. There is another question 这更接近我想要的,但它并没有通过使用数组来处理这个过程,而是通过写几个方程来代替。
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def RK4(t, y, h, f):
#Runge Kutta standard calculations
k1 = f(t, y)
k2 = f(t + h/2, y + h/2 * k1)
k3 = f(t + h/2, y + h/2 * k2)
k4 = f(t + h, y + h * k3)
return 1/6*(k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4)
def RHS(t, y):
#Critical physical Parameters
g = 9.8
l1 = 1
l2 = 1
m1 = 1
m2 = 1
w1 = w2 = 0
theta_1 = theta_2 = np.pi/4
delta_theta = theta_1 - theta_2
#Writing the system of ODES.
f0 = w1
f1 = w2
f2 = (m2*l1*w1**2*np.sin(2*delta_theta) + 2*m2*l2*w2**2*np.sin(delta_theta) + 2*g*m2*np.cos(theta_2)*np.sin(delta_theta)
+ 2*g*m1*np.sin(theta_1))/(-2*l1*(m1 + m2*np.sin(delta_theta)**2))
f3 = (m2*l2*w2**2*np.sin(2*delta_theta) + 2*(m1 + m2)*l1*w1**2*np.sin(delta_theta)
+ 2*g*(m1 + m2)*np.cos(theta_1)*np.sin(delta_theta))/(2*l2*(m1 + m2*np.sin(delta_theta)**2))
return np.array([f0, f1, f2, f3])
def main():
#Specify time interval and number of domain subintervals
t0 = 0
T = 100
n = 2048
# initial conditions
y0 = [np.pi/4, np.pi/4, 0, 0]
#Domain discretization
t_n = np.linspace(t0, T)
y_n = [np.array(y0)]
#Step size
h = (T - t0)/n
while t_n[-1] < T:
#Keep going until T is reached.
#Store numerical solutions into y_n
y_n.append(y_n[-1] + h * RK4(t_n[-1], y_n[-1], h, RHS))
t_n.append(t_n[-1] + h)
[array([0.78539816, 0.78539816, 0. , 0. ])]
我真的很努力地完成这项工作。有人可以帮我修复代码以适当地集成 ODES 系统吗?
theta1, theta2, w1, w2 = y
我正在尝试实施经典的 RK4 算法来求解控制运动方程的微分方程组。但是,我有一段时间遇到了几个问题。运动方程可以写成:
由于这是一个一阶微分方程组,我们准备用RK4求解。 然而,我真的迷失了用 python 代码编写上面的系统。
这里有一个相关的问题:System of second order ODEs Runge Kutta 4th order which writes the system of ODES for a different physical system into Python code and also uses RK4 to solve it. However, I have not been able to use that to make my own code work. There is another question
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def RK4(t, y, h, f):
#Runge Kutta standard calculations
k1 = f(t, y)
k2 = f(t + h/2, y + h/2 * k1)
k3 = f(t + h/2, y + h/2 * k2)
k4 = f(t + h, y + h * k3)
return 1/6*(k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4)
def RHS(t, y):
#Critical physical Parameters
g = 9.8
l1 = 1
l2 = 1
m1 = 1
m2 = 1
w1 = w2 = 0
theta_1 = theta_2 = np.pi/4
delta_theta = theta_1 - theta_2
#Writing the system of ODES.
f0 = w1
f1 = w2
f2 = (m2*l1*w1**2*np.sin(2*delta_theta) + 2*m2*l2*w2**2*np.sin(delta_theta) + 2*g*m2*np.cos(theta_2)*np.sin(delta_theta)
+ 2*g*m1*np.sin(theta_1))/(-2*l1*(m1 + m2*np.sin(delta_theta)**2))
f3 = (m2*l2*w2**2*np.sin(2*delta_theta) + 2*(m1 + m2)*l1*w1**2*np.sin(delta_theta)
+ 2*g*(m1 + m2)*np.cos(theta_1)*np.sin(delta_theta))/(2*l2*(m1 + m2*np.sin(delta_theta)**2))
return np.array([f0, f1, f2, f3])
def main():
#Specify time interval and number of domain subintervals
t0 = 0
T = 100
n = 2048
# initial conditions
y0 = [np.pi/4, np.pi/4, 0, 0]
#Domain discretization
t_n = np.linspace(t0, T)
y_n = [np.array(y0)]
#Step size
h = (T - t0)/n
while t_n[-1] < T:
#Keep going until T is reached.
#Store numerical solutions into y_n
y_n.append(y_n[-1] + h * RK4(t_n[-1], y_n[-1], h, RHS))
t_n.append(t_n[-1] + h)
[array([0.78539816, 0.78539816, 0. , 0. ])]
我真的很努力地完成这项工作。有人可以帮我修复代码以适当地集成 ODES 系统吗?
theta1, theta2, w1, w2 = y