
How to declare a higher-ranked lifetime for a closure argument?

我想在 Rust 中为闭包声明生命周期,但我找不到添加生命周期声明的方法。

use std::str::SplitWhitespace;

pub struct ParserError {
    pub message: String,

fn missing_token(line_no: usize) -> ParserError {
    ParserError {
        message: format!("Missing token on line {}", line_no),

fn process_string(line: &str, line_number: usize) -> Result<(), ParserError> {
    let mut tokens = line.split_whitespace();

    match try!(tokens.next().ok_or(missing_token(line_number))) {
        "hi" => println!("hi"),
        _ => println!("Something else"),

    // The following code gives "cannot infer appropriate lifetime.....
    // let nt = |t: &mut SplitWhitespace| t.next().ok_or(missing_token(line_number));
    // match try!(nt(&mut tokens)) {
    //     "there" => println!("there"),
    //     _ => println!("_"),
    // }

    // Where should I declare the lifetime 'a?
    // let nt = |t: &'a mut SplitWhitespace| t.next().ok_or(missing_token(line_number));
    // match try!(nt(&mut tokens)) {
    //     "there" => println!("there"),
    //     _ => println!("_"),
    // }

    return Ok(());

fn main() {
    process_string("Hi there", 5).ok().expect("Error!!!");
    process_string("", 5).ok().expect("Error!!! 2");

Complete sample code on the playground.

error[E0495]: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for lifetime parameter `'a` due to conflicting requirements
  --> src/main.rs:22:42
22 |     let nt = |t: &mut SplitWhitespace| t.next().ok_or(missing_token(line_number));
   |                                          ^^^^
note: first, the lifetime cannot outlive the anonymous lifetime #2 defined on the body at 22:14...
  --> src/main.rs:22:14
22 |     let nt = |t: &mut SplitWhitespace| t.next().ok_or(missing_token(line_number));
   |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = note: ...so that the types are compatible:
           expected std::iter::Iterator
              found std::iter::Iterator
note: but, the lifetime must be valid for the call at 23:16...
  --> src/main.rs:23:16
23 |     match try!(nt(&mut tokens)) {
   |                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: ...so type `std::result::Result<&str, ParserError>` of expression is valid during the expression
  --> src/main.rs:23:16
23 |     match try!(nt(&mut tokens)) {
   |                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

如何声明此闭包的生命周期 'a



    let mut nt = || tokens.next().ok_or(missing_token(line_number));
    // call the closure as many times as you need to
    // At this point `tokens` will be usable again.

如果您之后实际上不需要对 tokens 执行任何其他操作,只需执行:

let mut nt = || tokens.next().ok_or(missing_token(line_number)); 


这个&mut SplitWhitespace实际上是一个&'b mut SplitWhitespace<'a>。这里的相关生命周期是 'a,因为它指定了 next returns 的字符串切片的生命周期。由于您在 line 参数上应用了 split_whitespace 函数,因此您需要将 'a 设置为与 line 参数相同的生命周期。

因此,作为第一步,您将生命周期添加到 line:

fn process_string<'a>(line: &'a str, line_number: usize) -> Result<(), ParserError> {


let nt = |t: &mut SplitWhitespace<'a>| t.next().ok_or(missing_token(line_number));


与最初 一样,您可以使用函数对闭包的参数和 return 值应用额外的约束:

fn constrain<F>(f: F) -> F
    F: for<'a> Fn(&'a mut SplitWhitespace) -> Result<&'a str, ParserError>,

这为您提供了 where 子句的全部功能;在这种情况下,您可以使用 higher-ranked trait bounds (for <...>) 来表示闭包必须 return 与参数具有相同生命周期的引用。

let nt = constrain(|t| t.next().ok_or(missing_token(line_number)));

归根结底,这是由于limitations in Rust's type inference造成的。具体来说,如果将闭包立即传递给使用它的函数,编译器可以推断出参数和 return 类型是什么。不幸的是,当它在使用前存储在变量中时,编译器不会执行相同级别的推理。
