如何使用 gradle 项目的集成测试(kotlin DSL)配置 nebula.integtest?

How to configure nebula.integtest with gradle project's integration tests ( kotlin DSL)?

我想在我的 gradle kotlin dsl 项目构建中将集成与单元测试分开(项目本身写在 java 上)。这里有很多答案如何配置源集等等

但是我遇到了nebula.integtest plugin(我希望它是一个众所周知的插件,不要怪我推广它)


plugins {
  id "nebula.integtest" version "8.0.0"


这记录在项目的 README 中(强调我的):


A corrolary from the Facet Plugin is a concrete Facet, this plugin provides one specifically for Integration Tests. By applying this plugin, you'll get an integrationTest Test task, where sources go in src/integTest/java and dependencies can go into integTestImplementation and integTestRuntimeOnly (which extend from the test SourceSet), with the 'check' task depending on the task. To apply the plugin: