
In Java how should I command a 2D point to move along the vector line of distance to another point?

我有一个简单的 class 二维点,其中包含两个字段 x 和 y。我想写一个代码,这样我就可以命令一个点慢慢移动到另一个点,这样它就可以在它们距离的矢量线上移动。但我不知道怎么办? 我首先想到它应该包含一个 for 循环,这样它就会知道,它应该移动直到到达另一点 类似于 for(int d=0 ; d

import java.lang.Math.*;

public class Punkt { 

    private int x;
    private int y;

    public Punkt(int x, int y) {

    public int getX() {
        return x;

    public int getY() {
        return y;

    public void setX(int distance) {
        x = x + distance;

    public void setY(int distance) {
        y = y + distance;

    public void moveAbout(int dx, int dy) {
        x = x + dx;
        y = y + dy;

    /// method for calculating the distance to another point
    public double giveDistance(Punkt otherPoint) {
        return Math.sqrt(
            (otherPoint.getY() - y) * 
            (otherPoint.getY() - y) + 
            (otherPoint.getX() - x) * 
            (otherPoint.getX() - x));


import static java.lang.Math.*;

 * Immutable structure. Functional way
class Point { 
  public final double x;
  public final double y;

  public Point(double x, double y) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

   * Here you are. This is what you want to implement.
   * from.moveTo(0.0, to) => from
   * from.moveTo(1.0, to) => to
   * @param by - from 0.0 to 1.0 (from 0% to 100%)
   * @param target - move toward target by delta
  public Point moveTo(double by, Point target) {
    Point delta = target.sub(this);
    return add(delta.dot(by));

  public Point add(Point point) {
    return new Point(x + point.x, y + point.y);

  public Point sub(Point point) {
    return new Point(x - point.x, y - point.y);

  public Point dot(double v) {
    return new Point(v * x, v * y);

  public double dist(Point point) {
    return sub(point).len();

  public double len() {
    return sqrt(x * x + y * y);

  public String toString() {
    return x + ":" + y;

class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Point source = new Point(2, 3);
    Point target = new Point(-4, 9);
    // You can utilize the cycle or implement kind of timer to animate something
    for (int t = 0; t <= 100; t++) {
      System.out.println(source.moveTo(0.01 * t, target));


@AlexanderAlexandrov 我已将我的变量类型相应地更改为 double,现在在我的 classes 之一中我有一个方法 givePoints,它使用 Scanner 询问用户他想要多少点和坐标是什么,然后将它们保存到一个点数组中,第一个元素总是(0,0)。 另一种方法将点数组作为参数,并按照它们到点 (0,0) 的距离的顺序对它们进行排序。 这些方法非常有效。问题在于方法 hitThepoints。 在这里,我想首先创建点数组,对它们进行排序,然后命令我的机器人击中所有点。 robot 是 class Robot extends circle 的对象,其位置类型为 Point,最初位于 point(0,0)

public void hitThePoints(){

  Point[] poi=sortPoints (givePoints()); //Creates a sorted array of points
  Point short=new Point(poi[1].getX(),poi[1].getY());
  System.out.println(" the nearest point is :");
  System.out.println("("+short.getX()+ ","+short.getY()+")");
         for(int i=1; i<poi.length;i++){
              Point source=robot.position;
              Point target=new Point(poi[i].getX(), poi[i].getY());
                 while(source.getX()!=target.getX() && 

                  if(source.getX()!=target.getX() && 

                  System.out.println(source.getX() +","+ source.getY());