从图嵌套字典中删除指定的顶点 python

Remove specified vertices from a graph nested dict python

Helle,我有一个图 G,在 python 中表示如下:

            {'0': ['4', '5'],
             '4': ['0', '7', '5', 'root'],
             '5': ['0', '2', '7', '4', '6', 'root'],
             '1': ['7'],
             '7': ['1', '4', '5', '6'],
             '2': ['5', '6'],
             '6': ['2', '7', '5', 'root'],
             'root': ['4', '5', '6']})

我需要从图 G 中有效地删除输入指定的一组顶点,尤其是当图非常大时。 我试图浏览要删除的每个顶点的所有字典。还有其他更高效的方法吗?

LOOP R over vertices to be removed
    FIND R in dictionary
    LOOP A over vertices linked to V
        FIND A in dictionary
        REMOVE V from vertices linked to A
    REMOVE V from dictionary


LOOP A over vertices in dictionary
    LOOP R over vertices to be removed
        IF A = R
            REMOVE A
            LOOP R2 over vertices to be removed
                LOOP A2 over vertices linked to A
                    IF A2 = R2
                        REMOVE A2