
extract links from a string in dictionary form

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)
pdfLinks = []

我用一个api来提取这样的结果,很long.This response.text好像是字符串,不是字典

{"results":[{"title":"montrac® INTELLIGENCE IN MOTION - montratec","link":"https://www.montratec.de/fileadmin/user_upload/footer/montratec_Design_Guide_ENG.pdf","description":"„With montratec's technology, we could customize the transport system according to our production needs, eliminating dust, reducing consumption and optimizing. Missing: filetype= filetype=",.....},



您可以使用 data = response.json() 将信息直接返回到字典中,因为您使用的是请求模块。

如果您想继续作为字符串(不推荐)而不是字典,您可以 运行 literal_eval(来自 ast 库)。

然后使用 dict.get 和列表理解你可以得到你想要的。

.get 将 return 键 'results' 的值,如果它不存在则它将 return None 并且不会抛出任何 KeyErrors。
列表理解从本质上是内部 for 循环的结果创建一个新列表,循环遍历结果的内容。

with requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers) as resp:
    data = resp.json()

foo = [i['link'] for i in data.get('results')]


from ast import literal_eval

a = str({"results":[{"title":"montrac® INTELLIGENCE IN MOTION - montratec","link":"https://www.montratec.de/fileadmin/user_upload/footer/montratec_Design_Guide_ENG.pdf","description":"„With montratec's technology, we could customize the transport system according to our production needs, eliminating dust, reducing consumption and optimizing. Missing: filetype= filetype="}]})

b = literal_eval(a)

c = [i['link'] for i in b.get('results')]

