
DT proxy displays no data

我尝试构建的应用程序有问题。我有一个大数据 table(部分如下所示),我试图根据用户输入进行过滤。侧面板允许用户 select 仪表、日期范围,然后是所需的列(即降水和温度)。如果列复选框被 selected,则显示过滤器选项,允许过滤行。一旦用户点击提交按钮,table 应该根据所有选择的输入进行渲染。整个数据 table 在我加载应用程序时呈现,但是一旦我选择过滤器然后单击提交,table 输出显示“table 中没有可用数据”“显示 0 到 0,共 0条目。”应该有数据显示,因为我尝试的值在其中。也许我不应该使用代理 table 来过滤?我不希望 table 在每次更改过滤器时更新(因为它是一个大数据集),只是在按下提交按钮时。任何帮助将不胜感激。

# load libraries
library(shinyjs) #shiny java script with R language

# import dataset
allvarsdata = readRDS(here("Scripts/shiny app/allvarsdata.RDS")) #datatable
varsdata = as_tibble(allvarsdata)

A tibble: 6 x 4
  GaugeID     DATE          PRCP  TAIR   
  <chr>     <date>       <dbl>  <dbl> 
1 01013500   1980-10-01    3.1    3.1   
2 01435762   1980-10-02    4.24  10.5 
3 01837490   1980-10-03    8.02  11.8  
4 02947591   1980-10-04   15.3    7.38 
5 03048601   1980-10-05    8.48   4.8 
6 09385031   2014-12-06    0      5.41 

ui = fluidPage(
  # implement shiny js features
    tabPanel(title = "Data",
                 # gauge selection, pull down with all 671 gauges        
                 selectInput(inputId = "gauge1", label = "Select USGS Gauge(s)", 
                             choices = sort(unique(allvarsdata$GaugeID)), 
                             selected = NULL, multiple = TRUE),  
                 # two buttons to 1) select all gauges and 2) clear the selections  
                   column(width = 6, actionButton("selectall", "Select all")),
                   column(width = 6, actionButton("clear", "Clear"))
                 ), #fluidRow close
# date range selection for entire record
                 dateRangeInput(inputId = "daterange", label = "Select date range", 
                                start = "1981-01-01", end = "2014-12-31", 
                                min = "1981-01-01", max = "2014-12-31",
                                format = "yyyy-mm-dd", separator = " - "), 
 # checkbox to select precipitation column          
                 checkboxInput(inputId = "prcp", label = "Precipitation", value = FALSE),  
                 conditionalPanel( #display slider when box checked, filter rows based on slider
                   condition = "input.prcp",
                   sliderInput(inputId = "prcp1", label = "mm/day", 
                                      min = 0, max = 200, value = c(50, 100), ticks = FALSE)),
                 checkboxInput(inputId = "temp", label = "Temperature", value = FALSE),
                    condition = "input.temp",
                  sliderInput(inputId = "temp1", label = "Celcius", 
                                      min = -45,  max = 40, value = c(0, 20), ticks = FALSE)), 
              # submit button to filter/select data based on all user inputs, only when clicked            
                actionButton(inputId = "submit1", 
                              label = "Submit")
                   ), #sidebarPanel close
               DT::DTOutput(outputId = "filteredtable")
               ) #mainPanel close 
       )  # sidebarLayout close               
    ), #tabPanel close
   ) # tabsetPanel close   
) # fluidPage close

### SERVER ###

server = function(input, output, session) {
  # create reactive values based on allvarsdata 
  filtered = reactiveValues(fdat = varsdata)
  output$filteredtable = DT::renderDT({
   isolate(filtered$fdat)   # render DT with no dependency between data and render function
  }, options = list(paging = TRUE, processing = TRUE))
  proxy = DT::dataTableProxy("filteredtable") #updates data instead of using render function
   DT::replaceData(proxy, filtered$fdat)
 observeEvent(input$submit1, {     #wrap all filters within the submit action button
     filtered$fdat = filtered$fdat %>% 
     dplyr::filter(GaugeID == input$gauge1,
                  DATE >= input$daterange[1], DATE <= input$daterange[2], 
                  PRCP >= input$prcp1[1], PRCP <= input$prcp1[2],  
                  TAIR >= input$temp1[1], TAIR <= input$temp1[2]) 
# if no gauge is selected, return no results      
      if(is.null(input$gauge1)) {
     if(is.null(input$prcp)) { # if precip box is not checked, remove precip column     
       filtered$fdat = filtered$fdat %>% 
     if(is.null(input$temp)) {  # if temp box is not checked, remove temp column from data table    
       filtered$fdat = filtered$fdat %>% 
   }) #observeEvent close (submit)
    # clear selected gauges button based on shinyjs reset function      
  observeEvent(input$clear, {
  # select all gauges button 
  observeEvent(input$selectall, {
    if(input$selectall) {
      updateSelectInput(session = session, "gauge1",
                        selected = varsdata$GaugeID) 
} # server close bracket

# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

reprex package (v2.0.0)

于 2021-07-15 创建


  1. 你的约会对象很个性
  2. 变量input$prcpinput$temp符合逻辑
  3. 即使变量不存在(temp1prcp1)也会执行过滤

解决这些问题后,您就不需要代理了,因为您的对象是 reactiveValues 对象。试试这个

varsdata <- read.table(text="GaugeID     DATE          PRCP  TAIR 
1 01013500   1980-10-01    3.1    3.1   
2 01435762   1980-10-02    4.24  10.5 
3 01837490   1980-10-03    8.02  11.8  
4 02947591   1980-10-04   15.3    7.38 
5 03048601   1980-10-05    8.48   4.8 
6 09385031   2014-12-06    0      5.41",  header=T)

allvarsdata <- varsdata

ui = fluidPage(
  # implement shiny js features
  tabsetPanel(id = "tabs",      
    tabPanel(title = "Data", 
                 # gauge selection, pull down with all 671 gauges        
                 selectInput(inputId = "gauge1", label = "Select USGS Gauge(s)", 
                             choices = sort(unique(allvarsdata$GaugeID)), 
                             selected = NULL, multiple = TRUE),  
                 # two buttons to 1) select all gauges and 2) clear the selections  
                   column(width = 6, actionButton("selectall", "Select all")),
                   column(width = 6, actionButton("clear", "Clear"))
                 ), #fluidRow close
                 # date range selection for entire record
                 dateRangeInput(inputId = "daterange", label = "Select date range", 
                                start = "1980-01-01", end = "2014-12-31", 
                                min = "1980-01-01", max = "2014-12-31",
                                format = "yyyy-mm-dd", separator = " - "), 
                 # checkbox to select precipitation column          
                 checkboxInput(inputId = "prcp", label = "Precipitation", value = FALSE),  
                 conditionalPanel( #display slider when box checked, filter rows based on slider
                   condition = "input.prcp",
                   sliderInput(inputId = "prcp1", label = "mm/day", 
                               min = 0, max = 200, value = c(0, 100), ticks = FALSE)),
                 checkboxInput(inputId = "temp", label = "Temperature", value = FALSE),
                   condition = "input.temp",
                   sliderInput(inputId = "temp1", label = "Celcius", 
                               min = -45,  max = 40, value = c(0, 20), ticks = FALSE)), 
                 # submit button to filter/select data based on all user inputs, only when clicked            
                 actionButton(inputId = "submit1",  label = "Submit")
               ), #sidebarPanel close
                 DTOutput(outputId = "filteredtable")
               ) #mainPanel close 
             )  # sidebarLayout close               
    ) #tabPanel close
  ) # tabsetPanel close   
) # fluidPage close

### SERVER ###

server = function(input, output, session) {
  # create reactive values based on allvarsdata 
  filtered = reactiveValues(fdat = varsdata)
  output$filteredtable = renderDT({
    filtered$fdat  # render DT with no dependency between data and render function
  }, options = list(paging = TRUE, processing = TRUE))
  # proxy = DT::dataTableProxy("filteredtable") #updates data instead of using render function
  # observe({
  #   DT::replaceData(proxy, filtered$fdat)
  # })
  fdata <- eventReactive(input$submit1, {     
    # if no gauge is selected, return no results      
    if(is.null(input$gauge1)) {
      filteredt <- NULL
      filteredt = varsdata %>% 
        dplyr::filter(GaugeID %in% input$gauge1, as.Date(DATE) >= as.Date(input$daterange[1]), as.Date(DATE) <= as.Date(input$daterange[2]))
      if(input$prcp) { # if precip box is not checked, remove precip column
        filteredt = filteredt %>% dplyr::filter(PRCP >= input$prcp1[1], PRCP <= input$prcp1[2])
      } else {
        filteredt = filteredt %>% select(-PRCP)

      if(input$temp) {  # if temp box is not checked, remove temp column from data table
        filteredt = filteredt %>% dplyr::filter(TAIR >= input$temp1[1], TAIR <= input$temp1[2])
      }else {
        filteredt = filteredt %>% select(-TAIR)
  observeEvent(input$submit1, { 
    filtered$fdat <- fdata()
  }) #observeEvent close (submit)
  # clear selected gauges button based on shinyjs reset function      
  observeEvent(input$clear, {
  # select all gauges button 
  observeEvent(input$selectall, {
    if(input$selectall) {
      updateSelectInput(session = session, "gauge1",
                        selected = varsdata$GaugeID) 
} # server close bracket

# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)