如何将包添加到真正的 python 已知包列表?

How to add package to graalpython known packges list?

graalpython -m ginstall install --help 将列出 graalpython:

Known packages are pytest, pytest_parallel, py, attrs, pyparsing, packaging, more_itertools, atomicwrites, pluggy, zipp, wcwidth, PyYAML, six, Cython, setuptools, pkgconfig, wheel, protobuf,
Keras_preprocessing, gast, astor, absl_py, mock, Markdown, Werkzeug, h5py, sortedcontainers, hypothesis, setuptools_scm, numpy, dateutil, certifi, idna, chardet, urllib3, requests, lightfm, pytz, pandas, scipy,
cycler, cppy, cassowary, Pillow, matplotlib


The list is basically hardcoded in the script.


ginstall is defined here: https://github.com/oracle/graalpython/blob/master/graalpython/lib-graalpython/modules/ginstall.py
