在养蜂场定义 json post 参数

defining json post parameters in apiary

我正在尝试使用 json post 请求为项目创建文档。
现在对于 get 请求,我可以轻松定义 uri 参数。

但是我想对 json 和其他 post 请求执行相同的操作。

## Post Inbound [/ws/3/inbound]
### Post Inbound [POST]

+ Request


+ Parameters
    + location (required, string) - Target url of the wics server 
    + customer_id (required, int) - Customer ID
    + context (required, string) - Authentication context gotten from login
    + date (required, date) - Date format as yyyy-mm-dd
    + reference (required, string) - Reference
    + article_code (required, string) - Article code
    + qty_expected (required, int) - Quantity expected.

Parameters 关键字用于指示 URI parameters in API Blueprint, whereas the Attributes 关键字用于指示属性,例如在请求或响应正文中给出的属性。


## Post Inbound [/ws/3/inbound]
### Post Inbound [POST]

+ Request (application/json)

    + Attributes
        + authentication (required, object)
            + location (required, string) - Target url of the wics server 
            + customer_id (required, number) - Customer ID
            + context (required, string) - Authentication context gotten from login
        + date: `2015-12-30` (required, string) - Date format as yyyy-mm-dd
        + reference (required, string) - Reference
        + details (required, array)
            + (object)
                + article_code (required, string) - Article code
                + qty_expected (required, number) - Quantity expected.

+ Response 204

并在 Apiary 中呈现:

可以在 https://github.com/apiaryio/mson.

找到 MSON 的完整规范(API 蓝图中使用的对象表示法的语法)