
Linked List: How to implement Destructor, Copy Constructor, and Copy Assignment Operator?

这是我的 C++ 代码:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

typedef struct Node
    int data;
    Node* next;

class LinkedList
    Node* first;
    Node* last;
    LinkedList() {first = last = NULL;};
    LinkedList(int A[], int num);

    void Display();
    void Merge(LinkedList& b);

// Create Linked List using Array
LinkedList::LinkedList(int A[], int n)
    Node* t = new Node;
    if (t == NULL)
        cout << "Failed allocating memory!" << endl;
    t->data = A[0];
    t->next = NULL;
    first = last = t;

    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
        t = new Node;
        if (t == NULL)
            cout << "Failed allocating memory!" << endl;
        t->data = A[i];
        t->next = NULL;
        last->next = t;
        last = t;

// Deleting all Node in Linked List
    Node* p = first;
    Node* tmp;

    while (p != NULL)
        tmp = p;
        p = p->next;
        delete tmp;

// Displaying Linked List
void LinkedList::Display()
    Node* tmp;

    for (tmp = first; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next)
        cout << tmp->data << " ";
    cout << endl;    

// Merge two linked list
void LinkedList::Merge(LinkedList& b)
    // Store first pointer of Second Linked List
    Node* second = b.first;
    Node* third = NULL, *tmp = NULL;

    // We find first Node outside loop, smaller number, so Third pointer will store the first Node
    // Then, we can only use tmp pointer for repeating process inside While loop
    if (first->data < second->data)
        third = tmp = first;
        first = first->next;
        tmp->next = NULL;
        third = tmp = second;
        second = second->next;
        tmp->next = NULL;

    // Use while loop for repeating process until First or Second hit NULL
    while (first != NULL && second != NULL)
        // If first Node data is smaller than second Node data
        if (first->data < second->data)
            tmp->next = first;
            tmp = first;
            first = first->next;
            tmp->next = NULL;
        // If first Node data is greater than second Node data
            tmp->next = second;
            tmp = second;
            second = second->next;
            tmp->next = NULL;

    // Handle remaining Node that hasn't pointed by Last after while loop
    if (first != NULL)
        tmp->next = first;
        tmp->next = second;

    // Change first to what Third pointing at, which is First Node
    first = third;    

    // Change last pointer from old first linked list to new last Node, after Merge
    Node* p = first;
    while (p->next != NULL)
        p = p->next;
    last = p;
    // Destroy second linked list because every Node it's now connect with first linked list
    // This also prevent from Double free()
    b.last = NULL;
    b.first = NULL;

int main()
    int arr1[] = {4, 8, 12, 14, 15, 20, 26, 28, 30};
    int arr2[] = {2, 6, 10, 16, 18, 22, 24};
    int size1 = sizeof(arr1) / sizeof(arr1[0]);
    int size2 = sizeof(arr2) / sizeof(arr2[0]);
    LinkedList l1(arr1, size1);
    LinkedList l2(arr2, size2);

    // Merge two linked list, pass l2 as reference

    return 0;

我是 C++ 初学者,在这段代码中,我练习了如何合并两个链表。这实际上非常有效。我已经按排序顺序成功合并了两个链表。

但是,有人说我应该在 C++ 上遵循三原则。其中实现:析构函数复制构造函数复制赋值运算符.

我看过很多关于那个的视频。我确实理解这基本上是处理 Shallow Copy 尤其是当我们不希望两个不同的对象指向同一内存地址时。但是,对于我的问题是,我仍然不知道如何在 Class 上实现它,就像我上面的代码一样在链表上工作。

有人说,在我的 main() 中,这段代码:l1.Merge(l2); 在某种程度上是不正确的,因为我没有明确的复制构造函数。

如果你看一下我的 Merge() 函数,在最后一行,如果我不这样做: b.last = NULL;b.first = NULL; ,这只会破坏第二个链表的指针,编译器给我警告:Double free() detected.


  1. 这段代码:l1.Merge(l2); 怎么可能与复制构造函数有关?
  2. Double free() 是因为我没有执行三法则吗?如果是,如何解决?
  3. 如何根据我的代码写出三法则?何时或如何使用它们?
  4. 根据这个代码,有什么问题吗?如果我的程序只想合并链表,我还需要三原则吗?

谢谢。我希望有人能像我 10 岁一样向我解释。并希望有人能给我写一些代码。


首先,错误。当您创建一个列表时,它 new 包含它的所有节点并使用指针跟踪它们。当您将一个列表分配给另一个列表时,您实际上是在复制指针值。您现在不仅丢失了分配列表的节点(因为您覆盖了它们)并且发生了内存泄漏(因为现在没有指针指向分配的节点),您现在在两个不同的列表上也有相同的指针,指向相同的节点。当列表被销毁时,它们都尝试 delete 它们的节点,并且您最终释放了相同的内存两次。嗯。



  1. using namespace std; (Why is "using namespace std;" considered bad practice?)
  2. 您在构造函数主体中分配 LinkedList 的成员,而不是将值直接传递给初始化列表中它们的构造函数。 (What is this weird colon-member (" : ") syntax in the constructor?)
  3. 声明一个数组参数(int[])就是声明一个指针。请注意它。
  4. new不能returnNULL!检查它的 return 值是没有用的。如果它不能分配,它只会抛出一个异常。
  5. NULL 是不合适的常量。您可以使用 nullptr,它是 NULL 的 C++ 等价物,但它是类型安全的。
  6. 使用 newdelete 进行手动内存管理很难做到正确(正如您自己发现的那样)。您可能有兴趣使用 std::unique_ptrstd::shared_ptr 来减轻负担。他们会发现这个错误。

现在,请:不要像用 类 写 C++ 那样写 C++。我知道您可能没有遇到我在这里介绍的所有功能,但无论如何您现在已经了解了它们:)

But, for my problem is, I still don't know how to Implement [Rule of Three] on a Class that working on a Linked List just like my code above.

您只需实现复制构造函数和复制赋值运算符来迭代输入列表,制作每个节点的副本并将它们插入到您的目标列表中。你已经有了一个有效的析构函数。对于复制赋值运算符,通常可以使用 copy-swap idiom to implement it using the copy constructor to avoid repeating yourself.

Someone said, in my main(), this code: l1.Merge(l2); is somehow incorrect because I don't have explicit Copy Constructor.

那你就错了。您的 Merge() 代码与复制构造函数没有任何关系

And if you look at my Merge() function, in Last line, if I didn't to this: b.last = NULL; and b.first = NULL;, which simply destroy pointer of Second Linked list, the Compiler give me warning: Double free() detected.

正确。由于您正在 将节点从输入列表移动 到目标列表,因此您需要重置输入列表,使其不再指向移动的节点。否则,输入列表的析构函数将尝试释放它们,目标列表的析构函数也是如此。

How can this code: l1.Merge(l2); is have something to do with Copy Constructor?


Is Double free() happened because I don't implement the Rule of Three?


How to write the Rule of Three based on my code?


Do I still need the Rule of Three if my Program only want to Merge Linked List?



#include <iostream>
#include <utility>

struct Node
    int data;
    Node *next;

class LinkedList
    Node *first;
    Node *last;
    LinkedList(const LinkedList &src);
    LinkedList(int A[], int num);

    LinkedList& operator=(const LinkedList &rhs);

    void Display() const;
    void Merge(LinkedList &b);

// Create Linked List using default values
    : first(NULL), last(NULL)

// Create Linked List using Array
LinkedList::LinkedList(int A[], int n)
    : first(NULL), last(NULL)
    Node **p = &first;

    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        Node *t = new Node;
        t->data = A[i];
        t->next = NULL;

        *p = t;
        p = &(t->next);

        last = t;

// Create Linked List by copying another Linked List
LinkedList::LinkedList(const LinkedList &src)
    : first(NULL), last(NULL)
    Node **p = &first;

    for (Node *tmp = src.first; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
        Node* t = new Node;
        t->data = tmp->data;
        t->next = NULL;

        *p = t;
        p = &(t->next);

        last = t;

// Deleting all Node in Linked List
    Node *p = first;

    while (p)
        Node *tmp = p;
        p = p->next;
        delete tmp;

// Update Linked List by copying another Linked List
LinkedList& LinkedList::operator=(const LinkedList &rhs)
    if (&rhs != this)
        LinkedList tmp(rhs);
        std::swap(tmp.first, first);
        std::swap(tmp.last, last);
    return *this;

// Displaying Linked List
void LinkedList::Display() const
    for (Node *tmp = first; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
        std::cout << tmp->data << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

// Merge two linked list
void LinkedList::Merge(LinkedList& b)
    if ((&b == this) || (!b.first))

    if (!first)
        first = b.first; b.first = NULL;
        last = b.last; b.last = NULL;

    // Store first pointer of Second Linked List
    Node *second = b.first;
    Node *third, **tmp = &third;

    // We find first Node outside loop, smaller number, so Third pointer will store the first Node
    // Then, we can only use tmp pointer for repeating process inside While loop
    // Use while loop for repeating process until First or Second hit NULL
        // If first Node data is smaller than second Node data
        if (first->data < second->data)
            *tmp = first;
            tmp = &(first->next);
            first = first->next;
        // If first Node data is greater than second Node data
            *tmp = second;
            tmp = &(second->next);
            second = second->next;
        *tmp = NULL;
    while (first && second);

    // Handle remaining Node that hasn't pointed by Last after while loop
    *tmp = (first) ? first : second;

    // Change first to what Third pointing at, which is First Node
    first = third;  

    // Change last pointer from old first linked list to new last Node, after Merge
    Node *p = first;
    while (p->next)
        p = p->next;
    last = p;
    // Destroy second linked list because every Node it's now connect with first linked list
    // This also prevent from Double free()
    b.first = b.last = NULL;

int main()
    int arr1[] = {4, 8, 12, 14, 15, 20, 26, 28, 30};
    int arr2[] = {2, 6, 10, 16, 18, 22, 24};
    int size1 = sizeof(arr1) / sizeof(arr1[0]);
    int size2 = sizeof(arr2) / sizeof(arr2[0]);
    LinkedList l1(arr1, size1);
    LinkedList l2(arr2, size2);
    LinkedList l3(l1);
    LinkedList l4;

    // Merge two linked list, pass l2 as reference
    l4 = l3;


    return 0;
