如何使用 Apache Jmeter 性能测试模拟生产 Spring Boot REST API 的流量 (TPS 9.05)?

How to mimic traffic (TPS 9.05) of production Spring Boot REST API using Apache Jmeter performance testing?

我有一个 API(Spring Boot/Spring 使用 Swagger 的 Web)吞吐量(TPS?)为 9.05(不确定这是如何计算的,但它显示在某些指标页面上)。 API 每小时被点击数千次,有时达到 9,000 次调用的峰值。平均响应时间大约在 ~2000-3000 毫秒之间。这是一个简单的 API,它接受 POST 请求,然后查询 Postgres 数据库和 returns 此数据作为对客户端的 HTTP 响应。此 API 通过 Docker 和 运行 在 AWS (m5.large2) 实例上的 ECS 集群上容器化。

Instance Size   vCPU   Memory(GiB)  Instance Storage(GiB) Network Bandwidth(Gbps)   EBS Bandwidth (Mbps)
m5a.2xlarge     8        32         EBS-Only                 Up to 10                   Up to 2,880

我安装了 apache Jmeter,我正在尝试模仿对较低环境的生产 API 调用,以便我可以微调我们 Docker 容器的一些 CPU 和内存配置运行 在 AWS 弹性容器服务 (ECS) 中。

我目前是 运行 5 个线程,1 秒加速,900 秒持续时间 -

是否有系统的方法可以在较低的环境中复制流量负载,以便我可以重现 PROD 负载,从而正确地微调 CPU 和内存?

根据 Performance Testing in Scaled Down Environments. Part One: The Challenges 文章:

An application’s underlying infrastructure is constructed of many different components such as caches, web servers, application servers and disks(I/O). Bandwidth and CDNs also play a role in its function and therefore have to be taken into consideration during scaling. Each component behaves differently in the application according to how it was configured and scaled. However, the tiered structure makes it difficult to calculate how each should be tested and scaled.

Furthermore, there are two ways to scale the application. Scaling-up adds supplementary resources, like CPUs and memory, to a single computer. Scaling-out clusters additional computers together as one system to generate combined computing power. All of these options make it almost impossible to estimate actual data from performance testing in a smaller environment.
