
Mocking dependency behaviour in racket


(define (tables #:connector [postgresql-connect postgresql-connect]
                     #:list-tables [list-tables list-tables])
  ; connect to the db
  (define pgc
    (postgresql-connect #:user "app_user"
                        #:database "test_database"
                        #:password "something_secure"))

  ; find all the tables
  (list-tables pgc))


(module+ test
  (require rackunit)
  (require mock)
  (require mock/rackunit)
  (test-case "it returns a report structure"
    (check-eq? (sniffer "not://a.url/test") "not://a.url/test"))
  (test-case "it calls the db connector with the right arguments"
    (define connector-mock (mock #:behavior postgresql-connect))
    (sniffer "not://a.url/test" #:connector connector-mock)
    (check-mock-called-with? connector-mock (arguments #:database "test_database"
                                                       #:password "something_secure"
                                                       #:user "app_user")))
(test-case "it compiles a list of tables to examine"
    (define connector-mock (mock #:behavior postgresql-connect ))
    (define list-tables-mock (mock #:behavior list-tables ))
    (sniffer "not://a.url/test" #:connector connector-mock #:list-tables list-tables-mock)
    (check-mock-called-with? list-tables-mock (arguments connector-mock))))

当我 运行 我得到的测试:

it calls the db connector with the right arguments

tcp-connect: connection failed
  hostname: localhost
  port number: 5432
  system error: Connection refused; errno=61
it compiles a list of tables to examine

tcp-connect: connection failed
  hostname: localhost
  port number: 5432
  system error: Connection refused; errno=61

这让我想到了这个。我如何让模拟模仿 postgresql-connect 而无需调用实际实现?

当您使用 #:behavior 关键字时,您是在说 mock 实际上应该调用该函数。您正在传递 postgresql-connect,因此模拟实际上会尝试连接。您将需要传递一个不同的函数,该函数实际上并不进行连接但采用相同的参数,可能使用 mock 库中的 define-opaque

mock 文档中的

This example 可能会有帮助。