使用 drc 包的 ggplot 剂量反应曲线
ggplot for dose-response curve using drc package
我正在尝试使用以下代码使用 drc 包在 ggplot 中绘制剂量反应曲线,并有两个问题如下。
首先:我需要在 x 轴上包含 0、10、100 等并省略 4000 标签,该怎么做?。 第二:是否可以将图形向 y 轴方向挤压,因为第一个数据点为 100,在此之前占用了很多 space。我需要并排排列多个绘图,以便绘图可以从 100 开始,以及我们如何避免标签重叠(例如下图中的 2000 和 3000)。请指导我,谢谢!
gi <- as.numeric(c("0", "5.24", "24.2",
"37.2", "71.9", "80",
"100", "100", "0",
"0", "15.1", "42.8", "61.8", "73.5", "97.3", "100"))
conc <- as.numeric(c("0", "100", "167", "278.89", "465.74", "777.79", "1298.91", "2169.19", "0", "100", "167", "278.89", "465.74", "777.79", "1298.91", "2169.19" ))
df <- data.frame(conc, gi)
Pyr <- drm(gi ~ conc, data = df, fct = LL.4(fixed = c(NA, 0, 100, NA)))
newdata <- expand.grid(conc=exp(seq(log(0.5), log(3000), length=500)))
# predictions and confidence intervals
pm <- predict(Pyr, newdata=newdata, interval="confidence")
# new data with predictions
newdata$p <- pm[,1]
newdata$pmin <- pm[,2]
newdata$pmax <- pm[,3]
# need to shift conc == 0 a bit up, otherwise there are problems with coord_trans
df$conc0 <- df$conc
df$conc0[df$conc0 == 0] <- 0.5
# plotting the curve
ggplot(df, aes(x = conc0, y = gi)) +
geom_point() +
geom_ribbon(data=newdata, aes(x=conc, y=p, ymin=pmin, ymax=pmax), alpha=0.2) +
geom_line(data=newdata, aes(x=conc, y=p)) +
coord_trans(x="log") +
ggtitle("Pyridine") + xlab("Concentration (mg/l)") + ylab("Growth inhibition")
您可以在 scale_x_continuous() 函数中定义 X 轴范围:
ggplot(df, aes(x = conc0, y = gi)) +
geom_point() +
geom_ribbon(data=newdata, aes(x=conc, y=p, ymin=pmin, ymax=pmax), alpha=0.2) +
geom_line(data=newdata, aes(x=conc, y=p)) +
coord_trans(x="log") +
# here you can decide the limits of the x-axis
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(100,3000)) +
ggtitle("Pyridine") + xlab("Concentration (mg/l)") + ylab("Growth inhibition")
ggplot(df, aes(x = conc0, y = gi)) +
geom_point() +
geom_ribbon(data=newdata, aes(x=conc, y=p, ymin=pmin, ymax=pmax), alpha=0.2) +
geom_line(data=newdata, aes(x=conc, y=p)) +
coord_trans(x="log") +
# here you can decide the limits of the x-axis, breaks and labels
scale_x_log10(limits = c(10, 3000), breaks = c(10, 100, 1000, 2000, 3000), labels = c(10, 100, 1000, 2000, 3000)) +
ggtitle("Pyridine") + xlab("Concentration (mg/l)") + ylab("Growth inhibition") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90))
我正在尝试使用以下代码使用 drc 包在 ggplot 中绘制剂量反应曲线,并有两个问题如下。
首先:我需要在 x 轴上包含 0、10、100 等并省略 4000 标签,该怎么做?。 第二:是否可以将图形向 y 轴方向挤压,因为第一个数据点为 100,在此之前占用了很多 space。我需要并排排列多个绘图,以便绘图可以从 100 开始,以及我们如何避免标签重叠(例如下图中的 2000 和 3000)。请指导我,谢谢!
gi <- as.numeric(c("0", "5.24", "24.2",
"37.2", "71.9", "80",
"100", "100", "0",
"0", "15.1", "42.8", "61.8", "73.5", "97.3", "100"))
conc <- as.numeric(c("0", "100", "167", "278.89", "465.74", "777.79", "1298.91", "2169.19", "0", "100", "167", "278.89", "465.74", "777.79", "1298.91", "2169.19" ))
df <- data.frame(conc, gi)
Pyr <- drm(gi ~ conc, data = df, fct = LL.4(fixed = c(NA, 0, 100, NA)))
newdata <- expand.grid(conc=exp(seq(log(0.5), log(3000), length=500)))
# predictions and confidence intervals
pm <- predict(Pyr, newdata=newdata, interval="confidence")
# new data with predictions
newdata$p <- pm[,1]
newdata$pmin <- pm[,2]
newdata$pmax <- pm[,3]
# need to shift conc == 0 a bit up, otherwise there are problems with coord_trans
df$conc0 <- df$conc
df$conc0[df$conc0 == 0] <- 0.5
# plotting the curve
ggplot(df, aes(x = conc0, y = gi)) +
geom_point() +
geom_ribbon(data=newdata, aes(x=conc, y=p, ymin=pmin, ymax=pmax), alpha=0.2) +
geom_line(data=newdata, aes(x=conc, y=p)) +
coord_trans(x="log") +
ggtitle("Pyridine") + xlab("Concentration (mg/l)") + ylab("Growth inhibition")
您可以在 scale_x_continuous() 函数中定义 X 轴范围:
ggplot(df, aes(x = conc0, y = gi)) +
geom_point() +
geom_ribbon(data=newdata, aes(x=conc, y=p, ymin=pmin, ymax=pmax), alpha=0.2) +
geom_line(data=newdata, aes(x=conc, y=p)) +
coord_trans(x="log") +
# here you can decide the limits of the x-axis
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(100,3000)) +
ggtitle("Pyridine") + xlab("Concentration (mg/l)") + ylab("Growth inhibition")
ggplot(df, aes(x = conc0, y = gi)) +
geom_point() +
geom_ribbon(data=newdata, aes(x=conc, y=p, ymin=pmin, ymax=pmax), alpha=0.2) +
geom_line(data=newdata, aes(x=conc, y=p)) +
coord_trans(x="log") +
# here you can decide the limits of the x-axis, breaks and labels
scale_x_log10(limits = c(10, 3000), breaks = c(10, 100, 1000, 2000, 3000), labels = c(10, 100, 1000, 2000, 3000)) +
ggtitle("Pyridine") + xlab("Concentration (mg/l)") + ylab("Growth inhibition") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90))