
Can i define a component in a single file component in VUE?


    <div class = "component">

import Vue from 'vue'
Vue.component('subcomponent',{'/* definition of the subcomponent*/})

export default {
  name: 'component',
  components: {subcomponent},



上面的代码是否适合在单个文件组件中定义子组件?因为我不想在我的实际用例中添加一个新文件来定义另一个 vue 组件。

Vue.component() is a global registration. Once the component is registered globally, you don't need to use local registration(列出 components 块内的组件)

您的代码不起作用,因为您的代码中没有名为 subcomponent 的变量...只需删除 components: {subcomponent}, 行,您应该没问题...