
What is the use of, appconfig in django project. How and why to use it? could someone explain in a simple way

from django.apps import AppConfig

class App1Config(AppConfig):
    default_auto_field = 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'
    name = 'app1'

Django 已经提供了最好的解释documentation

To configure an application, create an module inside the application, then define a subclass of AppConfig there.

When INSTALLED_APPS contains the dotted path to an application module, by default, if Django finds exactly one AppConfig subclass in the submodule, it uses that configuration for the application. This behavior may be disabled by setting AppConfig.default to False.

If the module contains more than one AppConfig subclass, Django will look for a single one where AppConfig.default is True.

If no AppConfig subclass is found, the base AppConfig class will be used.