Xamarin FontAwesome 图标被视为内部带有 x 的正方形
Xamarin FontAwesome icons seen as squares with an x inside
看完James Montemagno video guide on fonts in Xamarin, I'm having an issue with displaying the icons either in the tab view or in a button. The Intellisense works and it recognizes all the fonts within the FontAwesomeIcons.cs file downloaded from Mathew's github but displays them as an X withing a square。找不到任何有效的解决方案。一切都是最新的。
using Xamarin.Forms.Xaml;
[assembly: XamlCompilation(XamlCompilationOptions.Compile)]
[assembly: ExportFont("Font Awesome 5 Brands-Regular-400", Alias = "FAB")]
[assembly: ExportFont("Font Awesome 5 Free-Regular-400", Alias = "FAR")]
[assembly: ExportFont("Font Awesome 5 Free-Solid-900", Alias = "FAS")]
<Style TargetType="ShellContent" x:Key="PricingPage">
<Setter Property="Icon">
<FontImageSource FontFamily="FAS" Glyph="{x:Static fontAwesome:FontAwesomeIcons.BalanceScale}"/>
<Tab Title="PricingPage" Style="{StaticResource PricingPage}" >
<ShellContent Title="PricingPage" Route="PricingPage" ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:ProductPricing}" />
<ShellContent Title="ExistingProductPricing" IsVisible="False" Route="ExistingProductPricing" Shell.FlyoutBehavior="Disabled" ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:ExistingProductPricing}" />
Text="{x:Static fontAwesome:FontAwesomeIcons.CheckCircle}"
在 android 模拟器中可以看到 X,在我的 phone 上它只是一个空白方块,如果重要的话。
我认为缺少的是您应该在 ExportFont
using Xamarin.Forms.Xaml;
[assembly: XamlCompilation(XamlCompilationOptions.Compile)]
[assembly: ExportFont("Font Awesome 5 Brands-Regular-400.ttf", Alias = "FAB")]
[assembly: ExportFont("Font Awesome 5 Free-Regular-400.ttf", Alias = "FAR")]
[assembly: ExportFont("Font Awesome 5 Free-Solid-900.tff", Alias = "FAS")]
看完James Montemagno video guide on fonts in Xamarin, I'm having an issue with displaying the icons either in the tab view or in a button. The Intellisense works and it recognizes all the fonts within the FontAwesomeIcons.cs file downloaded from Mathew's github but displays them as an X withing a square
using Xamarin.Forms.Xaml;
[assembly: XamlCompilation(XamlCompilationOptions.Compile)]
[assembly: ExportFont("Font Awesome 5 Brands-Regular-400", Alias = "FAB")]
[assembly: ExportFont("Font Awesome 5 Free-Regular-400", Alias = "FAR")]
[assembly: ExportFont("Font Awesome 5 Free-Solid-900", Alias = "FAS")]
<Style TargetType="ShellContent" x:Key="PricingPage">
<Setter Property="Icon">
<FontImageSource FontFamily="FAS" Glyph="{x:Static fontAwesome:FontAwesomeIcons.BalanceScale}"/>
<Tab Title="PricingPage" Style="{StaticResource PricingPage}" >
<ShellContent Title="PricingPage" Route="PricingPage" ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:ProductPricing}" />
<ShellContent Title="ExistingProductPricing" IsVisible="False" Route="ExistingProductPricing" Shell.FlyoutBehavior="Disabled" ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:ExistingProductPricing}" />
Text="{x:Static fontAwesome:FontAwesomeIcons.CheckCircle}"
在 android 模拟器中可以看到 X,在我的 phone 上它只是一个空白方块,如果重要的话。
我认为缺少的是您应该在 ExportFont
using Xamarin.Forms.Xaml;
[assembly: XamlCompilation(XamlCompilationOptions.Compile)]
[assembly: ExportFont("Font Awesome 5 Brands-Regular-400.ttf", Alias = "FAB")]
[assembly: ExportFont("Font Awesome 5 Free-Regular-400.ttf", Alias = "FAR")]
[assembly: ExportFont("Font Awesome 5 Free-Solid-900.tff", Alias = "FAS")]