使用 CloudKit 时如何对 Core Data 实体记录进行重复数据删除?

How to deduplicate Core Data entity records when using CloudKit?

由于使用 CloudKit 时唯一约束不可用,并且在 NSPersistentCloudKitContainer 中存储一些实体会在数据跨多个设备同步后导致重复记录。

是否存在对存储在 CloudKit 上的核心数据实体记录进行重复数据删除的最佳实践?

我将应用的当前用户对象存储在Core Data中,以iCloud用户记录ID为唯一标识;然而,在条目同步到其他设备后,多个用户出现在 User SQLite 数据下。

    func getLocalUser() -> User? {
        /// Try to fetch the only local user
        let idMixpanel = DCMixpanel.shared.distinctId
        let fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<User> = User.fetchRequest()
        let userPredicate = NSPredicate(
            format: "%K = %@",

        fetchRequest.predicate = userPredicate

        let userList = try? container.viewContext.fetch(fetchRequest)

        if let user = userList?.first {
            if user.idCloudKit == nil {
                /// This method is async and the ID is not available immediately after function invocation
            return user

        /// Create a new local user if no user found with local ID
        let userLocalNew = User(context: container.viewContext)

        userLocalNew.idMixpanel = DCMixpanel.shared.distinctId


        return userLocalNew

我的解决方案是创建一个 mergeLocalUser 方法

    private func mergeLocalUser() -> User? {
        /// Fetch all users
        /// Merge users if there are more than one user in the local database
        /// Custom user properties merging logic
        /// Delete all user instances and re-create a new user
        return newUserInstance