Symfony 的 make:entity 命令创建的 ManyToMany 关系之间的握手

Handshake between ManyToMany relation created by Symfony's make:entity command

那么,您能否向我解释一下为什么 Symfony 的命令 make:entity 会为 ManyToMany 关系生成不同的 addProperty 方法?



假设你有这两个 classes:

# Now running:
bin/console make:entity Country

# You'll enter in the interactive terminal, just type:
> languages
> ManyToMany
> Language
> yes


    public function addLanguage(Language $language): self
        if (!$this->languages->contains($language)) {
            $this->languages[] = $language;
        return $this;

Language class 你会得到这个:

    public function addCountry(Country $country): self
        if (!$this->countries->contains($country)) {
            $this->countries[] = $country;
        return $this;

我想了解为什么 Language 有行 $country->addLanguage($this);Country 没有。


Remember, all of this owning versus inverse stuff is important because, when Doctrine saves an entity, it only looks at the owning side of the relationship to figure out what to save to the database. So, if we add tags to an article, Doctrine will save that correctly. But, if you added articles to a tag and save, Doctrine would do nothing. Well, in practice, if you use make:entity, that's not true. Why? Because the generated code synchronizes the owning side. If you call $tag->addArticle(), inside, that calls $article->addTag()
