
Error report of C # groupby using AsQueryable

var commodity = _appDbContext.ArchivesCCommodity.Where(lambda)
          .GroupJoin(_appDbContext.ArchivesCCommoditySpecification, a => a.Code, b => b.Commodity, (a, b) => new { a, b })
          .SelectMany(a => a.b.DefaultIfEmpty(), (a, b) => new { a.a, b })
          .GroupJoin(_appDbContext.ArchivesCSpecificationDetail, a => a.a.a.b.SpecificationDetail, d => d.Code, (a, d) => new { a, d })
          .SelectMany(a => a.d.DefaultIfEmpty(), (a, d) => new
              Commodity = a.a.a.Code,
              CommodityName = a.a.a.Name,
              SpecificationDetailName = d.Name,
              OrderSN = d.OrderSN
          }).AsQueryable().OrderBy(a => a.OrderSN).GroupBy(a => new { a.Commodity, a.CommodityName })
           .Select(a => new
               Commodity = a.Key.Commodity,
               CommodityName = a.Key.CommodityName,
               SpecificationDetailName = string.Join(" - ", a.Select(a => a.SpecificationDetailName)),
               SpecificationDetailTotal = string.Join(" - ", a.Select(a => a.SpecificationDetailName)) == "" ? 0 : a.Count()

其中 .AsQueryable() 会导致错误

.OrderBy(a => a.OrderSN)
.GroupBy(a => new { a.Commodity, a.CommodityName })


.OrderBy(a => a.OrderSN)
.GroupBy(a => new { a.Commodity, a.CommodityName })




            var AA= _appDbContext.ArchivesCCommodity.Where(lambda)
              .GroupJoin(_appDbContext.ArchivesCCommoditySpecification, a => a.Code, b => b.Commodity, (a, b) => new { a, b })
              .SelectMany(a => a.b.DefaultIfEmpty(), (a, b) => new { a.a, b })
              .GroupJoin(_appDbContext.ArchivesCSpecificationDetail, a => a.a.b.SpecificationDetail, d => d.Code, (a, d) => new { a, d })
              .SelectMany(a => a.d.DefaultIfEmpty(), (a, d) => new
                  Commodity = a.a.a.a.a.Code,
                  CommodityName = a.a.a.a.a.Name,
                  SpecificationDetailName = d.Name,
                  OrderSN = d.OrderSN

            PageHealper<object> page = new PageHealper<object>();

            page.Start(pageNum, pageSize);

            page = await page.RestPage(AA);


  1. 不是操作分页查询结果,而是查询所有AA数据库
  2. 根据前面的分页查询,得到行数和页码。在这里,行数是通过分组和合并来改变的。 这就是为什么我想把分组和排序放在一起,最后分页。
  var BB = AA.AsEnumerable().OrderBy(a => a.OrderSN).GroupBy(a => new { a.Commodity, a.CommodityName, a.Specification, a.SpecificationName })
               .Select(a => new
                   Commodity = a.Key.Commodity,
                   CommodityName = a.Key.CommodityName,
                   SpecificationDetailName = string.Join(" - ", a.Select(a => a.SpecificationDetailName)),
                   SpecificationDetailTotal = string.Join(" - ", a.Select(a => a.SpecificationDetailName)) == "" ? 0 : a.Count()
               }); ;

            page.Data = BB.ToList<object>();
            return page;

查看这篇文章https://weblogs.asp.net/zeeshanhirani/using-asqueryable-with-linq-to-objects-and-linq-to-sql,了解 AsQueryable 的功能。

我认为你在那里并不真正需要 AsQueryable...LINQ to SQL 不喜欢该查询的某些内容。

它不喜欢 String.Join(...) 因为无法翻译它。

因此,您可以做的一件事是将 .AsEnumerable() 放在 GroupBy() 之后,这将完成 SQL 之前的所有操作以及内存中之后的所有操作。


var commodity = _appDbContext.ArchivesCCommodity.Where(lambda)
        .GroupJoin(_appDbContext.ArchivesCCommoditySpecification, a => a.Code, b => b.Commodity, (a, b) => new { a, b })
        .SelectMany(a => a.b.DefaultIfEmpty(), (a, b) => new { a.a, b })
        .GroupJoin(_appDbContext.ArchivesCSpecificationDetail, a => a.a.a.b.SpecificationDetail, d => d.Code, (a, d) => new { a, d })
        .SelectMany(a => a.d.DefaultIfEmpty(), (a, d) => new
            Commodity = a.a.a.Code,
            CommodityName = a.a.a.Name,
            SpecificationDetailName = d.Name,
            OrderSN = d.OrderSN
        }).OrderBy(a => a.OrderSN).GroupBy(a => new { a.Commodity, a.CommodityName })
        .Select(a => new
            Commodity = a.Key.Commodity,
            CommodityName = a.Key.CommodityName,
            SpecificationDetailName = string.Join(" - ", a.Select(a => a.SpecificationDetailName)),
            SpecificationDetailTotal = string.Join(" - ", a.Select(a => a.SpecificationDetailName)) == "" ? 0 : a.Count()