计算机程序的结构和解释 Ex2_74

Structure And Interpretation of Computer Programs Ex2_74

我正在尝试标记一个列表,以便在 Racket 中输出 file1 变量,如下所示:

(Div1 ((Sam Parnell 100) (Tom Edward 1000) (Rob Hanbury 500) (Andy Springwood 500)))


((山姆·帕内尔 100) (汤姆·爱德华 1000) (罗伯·汉伯里 500) (安迪·斯普林伍德 500))

我在我的包内部使用“标签”来使用生成文件过程来标记一系列记录。我认为它应该遵循第 1.1.3 节中规定的评估模型,但感觉不是,这可能与我定义 make-file 以采用任意数量的参数这一事实有关,这可能会影响以我尚未理解的方式评估模型。我还尝试在 Racket 中调试它但无济于事,因为它跳过了我逐步进行评估的方式,所以我被卡住了。如果有人能提供帮助,将不胜感激。

#lang sicp

(#%require (only racket/base error))
(#%require (only racket/base make-hash))
(#%require (only racket/base hash-set!))
(#%require (only racket/base hash-ref))

; table set up

(define *op-table* (make-hash))

(define (put op type proc)
  (hash-set! *op-table* (list op type) proc))

(define (get op type)
  (hash-ref *op-table* (list op type) '()))

; data tagging set up

(define (attach-tag type-tag contents) 
  (cons type-tag contents))

(define (type-tag datum) 
  (if (pair? datum) 
      (car datum) 
      (error "Bad tagged datum -- TYPE-TAG" datum)))

(define (contents datum) 
  (if (pair? datum) 
    (cdr datum) 
    (error "Bad tagged datum -- CONTENTS" datum)))

(define (apply-generic op . args) 
  (let ((type-tags (map type-tag args))) 
    (let ((proc (get op type-tags))) 
      (if proc 
          (apply proc (map contents args)) 
            "No method for these types -- APPLY-GENERERIC" 
            (list op type-tags))))))

(define (install-Div1-Package) 
  (define (get-name record) 
  (car record))
  (define (get-address record) 
    (cadr record))
  (define (get-salary record) 
    (caddr record))
  (define (make-record name address salary) 
    (list name address salary))
  (define (get-record key file) 
    (cond ((null? file) (error "Employee not in file")) 
          ((eq? key (get-name (car file))) 
           (car file)) 
          (else (get-record key (cdr file)))))
  (define (make-file . records) 
  ;interface to the rest of the system
 (define (tag x) (attach-tag 'Div1 x)) 
 (put 'get-name '(Div1) get-name)
 (put 'get-address '(Div1) get-address)
 (put 'get-salary '(Div1) get-salary)
 (put 'make-record 'Div1 
      (lambda (name address salary) 
        (make-record name address salary)))
 (put 'get-record '(Div1) get-record)
 (put 'make-file 'Div1 
      (lambda args 
        (tag (make-file args)))))


(define (make-record name address salary) 
  ((get 'make-record 'Div1) name address salary))

(define record1 (make-record 'Sam 'Parnell 100))
(define record2 (make-record 'Tom 'Edward 1000))
(define record3 (make-record 'Rob 'Hanbury 500))
(define record4 (make-record 'Andy 'Springwood 500))


(define (make-file . records) 
  (get 'make-file 'Div1) records)

(define file1 (make-file record1 record2 record3 record4))


您实际上忘记了 调用 make-file 过程:

(define (make-file . records) 
  (get 'make-file 'Div1) ; retrieves the procedure, does nothing with it
  records)               ; return the same input list


(define (make-file . records) 
  (apply (get 'make-file 'Div1) records))