从 JSON 格式填充 JavaScript 数组

Populate JavaScript Array from JSON Format

您好,我有 JSON 如下所示的数据:

  {"Mean of Arrivals for each hour":


{x: 03-04 y: -35.62},
{x: 04-05, y: -3.62},
{x: 05-06, y: -3.7}


x: {03-04: -35.62, 04-05: -3.62, 05-06: -3.7},
y: {03-04: -35.62, 04-05: -3.62, 05-06: -3.7}
var dataPoints = []; // final array with data

var chartData = new google.visualization.DataTable();
chartData.addColumn('string', 'Stunde');
chartData.addColumn('number', 'Ankunft');

function addData(data) {
    for (var i = 0; i < data.length - 1; i++) {
          x: data[i]["Mean of Arrivals for each hour"],
          y: data[i]["Mean of Arrivals for each hour"]

    dataPoints.forEach(function (row) {
        chartData.addRow([row.x, row.y]);

    var chart = new google.charts.Bar(document.getElementById('plot3'));
    chart.draw(chartData, google.charts.Bar.convertOptions(options));

$.getJSON(url, addData);

这会将所有内容展平为单个数据数组,然后通过 map() 处理对象。它将在对象内容纳任意数量的数组,以及这些数组内的任意数量的坐标集。

let obj = [
  {"Mean of Arrivals for each hour":

let result = obj.map(Object.values).flat().map(Object.entries).flat().map(e => ({x:e[0], y:e[1]}))

使用 for...in 循环遍历属性,构造 JSON 并推送到数组:

const data = [
  {"Mean of Arrivals for each hour":
const result = [], r = data[0]["Mean of Arrivals for each hour"];

for(const key in r) result.push({x: key, y: r[key]})


迭代数组中子对象的 Object.entries() 并为每个条目创建一个新对象

const data = [
  {"Mean of Arrivals for each hour":

const key = "Mean of Arrivals for each hour",
      res = [];

data.forEach(o => Object.entries(o[key]).forEach(([x, y]) => res.push({x, y})))
