
Python: k-means clustering

我正在尝试对 .csv 文件的经度和纬度数据使用 k 均值聚类,但我不想绘制图表,而是只想获取并打印质心,以便我可以在 google 地图。有人知道如何编码吗?

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import csv

with open('fileName.csv', 'r') as infile:
  csv_reader = csv.reader (infile,  delimiter=',')
  x = []
  y = []

  for row in csv_reader:
    if row[3] != 'LONGITUDE':

    df = pd.DataFrame({
    'x': x,
    'y': y
    #implement x and y in k-means and print the centroids

我建议查看 Shapely 库。

from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import csv

# Easy way to read your csv file in
df = pd.read_csv('fileName.csv').rename(columns={'LONGITUDE': 'x', 'LATITUDE': 'y'})

# Assumes you have a column 'cluster_id' that references the cluster id for each coordinate
cluster_ids = df['cluster_id'].unique()
kmeans_clusters = []
for cluster_id in cluster_ids:

    # Filtered df for each cluster id    
    cluster_df = df.loc[df['cluster_id'] == cluster_id]
    x_values = cluster_df['x'].tolist()
    y_values = cluster_df['y'].tolist()

    xy_pairs = [point for point in zip(x_values, y_values)]

# Where kmeans_clusters is a list of your clusters, each containing a list of xy pairs
centroids = []
for cluster in kmeans_clusters:

    if len(cluster) > 1:
        # Create a convex hull, find the centroid
        convex_hull = MultiPoint(cluster).convex_hull
        centroid = convex_hull.centroid
        # Unpack to tuple object
        # Single point cluster, it is the centroid
