鳄梨酱 RDP 无法连接

Guacamole RDP won't connect

我使用鳄梨酱和 RDP 协议连接到客户端。这是我的配置:

<connection name="RDP 20.125">
    <param name="hostname"></param>
    <param name="port">3389</param>
    <param name="username">root</param>
    <param name="password">rahasia2020</param>



The remote desktop server is currently unreachable, if the problem persists, please notify your system administrator, or check your system log.

这是 ./configure 结果:

 guacamole-server version 1.3.0
    Library status:
      freerdp2 ............ yes
      pango ............... yes
      libavcodec .......... yes
      libavformat.......... yes
      libavutil ........... yes
      libssh2 ............. yes
      libssl .............. yes
      libswscale .......... yes
      libtelnet ........... yes
      libVNCServer ........ no
      libvorbis ........... yes
      libpulse ............ yes
      libwebsockets ....... yes
      libwebp ............. yes
      wsock32 ............. no
    Protocol support:
       Kubernetes .... yes
       RDP ........... yes
       SSH ........... yes
       Telnet ........ yes
       VNC ........... no
    Services / tools:
       guacd ...... yes
       guacenc .... yes
       guaclog .... yes
    FreeRDP plugins: /usr/lib64/freerdp2
    Init scripts: no
    Systemd units: no
 Type "make" to compile guacamole-server.

并且在客户端,我已经在端口 3389 上设置了 RDP。这是客户端 netstat -tunlp | grep "rdp" 的结果:

tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      13645/xrdp-sesman
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      13646/xrdp



错误中的“系统日志”是Guacamole守护进程日志。检查您的日志以查找 Guacamole 守护程序,guacd。根据您的系统,日志可以在不同的地方。在 RHEL/Centos 上:/var/log/messages。在 Ubuntu/Debian 上,尝试守护程序日志:/var/log/daemon.log.

我正在使用 RHEL,所以我将在 /var/log/messages 中搜索 guacd,但只搜索最后 30 行:

sudo grep guacd /var/log/messages | tail -n 30
Sep 10 15:45:16 guacd[3899120]: User "@1b862d83-323f-400b-819d-d082dd459074" joined connection "76e198-8ffb-458d-b115-d4d3b387d4a4" (1 users now present)
Sep 10 15:45:16 guacd[3899120]: Loading keymap "base"
Sep 10 15:45:16 guacd[3899120]: Loading keymap "en-us-qwerty"
Sep 10 15:45:16 guacd[3899120]: Certificate validation failed
Sep 10 15:45:16 guacd[2103350]: guacd[3899120]: INFO:#011Certificate validation failed
Sep 10 15:45:16 guacd[3899120]: RDP server closed/refused connection: SSL/TLS connection failed (untrusted/self-signed certificate?)
Sep 10 15:45:16 guacd[2103350]: guacd[3899120]: INFO:#011RDP server closed/refused connection: SSL/TLS connection failed (untrusted/self-signed certificate?)
Sep 10 15:45:16 guacd[3899120]: User "@1b862d83-323f-400b-819d-d082dd459074" disconnected (0 users remain)
Sep 10 15:45:16 guacd[2103350]: guacd[3899120]: INFO:#011User "@1b862d83-323f-400b-819d-d082dd459074" disconnected (0 users remain)
Sep 10 15:45:16 guacd[2103350]: guacd[3899120]: INFO:#011Last user of connection "76e198-8ffb-458d-b115-d4d3b387d4a4" disconnected
Sep 10 15:45:16 guacd[3899120]: Last user of connection "76e198-8ffb-458d-b115-d4d3b387d4a4" disconnected
Sep 10 15:45:16 guacd[2103350]: Connection "76e198-8ffb-458d-b115-d4d3b387d4a4" removed.
Sep 10 15:45:16 guacd[2103350]: guacd[2103350]: INFO:#011Connection "76e198-8ffb-458d-b115-d4d3b387d4a4" removed.

RDP 需要来自远程服务器的有效证书,但我的系统使用的是自签名证书,因此证书验证失败。最简单的解决方法是 忽略鳄梨酱连接的服务器证书

在您的配置文件中,将 ignore-cert 参数添加到连接(来自 Guacamole Manual for RDP):

<param name="ignore-cert">true</param>

如果您仍然遇到问题,请返回查看日志。您可能还需要设置 security 参数,因为 Guacamole 有时无法自动检测安全方法。