在 Ionic Angular 中需要 Day Week Month Year 的日期功能

Need Date functionality for Day Week Month Year in Ionic Angular

我想在 Angular 中显示当前的日期、周、月和年单击小于符号时的一天和前一天我需要显示周、月和年。

看起来 ion-datetime 就是您要找的。

      if (this.tabID === "Day") {
        const nextDay = new Date(myDate1);
        nextDay.setDate(myDate1.getDate() + 1);
        this.currentDate = nextDay;
        console.log("next ", nextDay);
      if (this.tabID === "Month") {
        // for month
        const nextMonth = new Date(myDate1);
        nextMonth.setMonth(myDate1.getMonth() + 1);
        console.log("month ", nextMonth);
        this.currentDate = nextMonth;
      if (this.tabID === "Week") {
        // for next week
        const firstDay = new Date(this.currentDate);
        const nextWeek = new Date(firstDay.getTime() + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
        console.log("next week> ", nextWeek);
        this.currentDate = nextWeek;
        const current = new Date(this.currentDate); // get current date
        const weekstart = current.getDate(); // - 1 - current.getDay() + 1;
        const weekend = weekstart - 6; // end day is the first day + 6
        this.weekStart = new Date(current.setDate(weekstart)); // first day of week is Sunday
        this.weekEnd = new Date(current.setDate(weekend)); // last day of week is Saturday
        console.log("weekStart ", this.weekStart, "WeekEnd ", this.weekEnd);
      if (this.tabID === "Year") {
        const nextMonth = new Date(myDate1);
        nextMonth.setFullYear(myDate1.getUTCFullYear() + 1);
        console.log("month ", nextMonth);
        this.currentDate = nextMonth;
    by doing this I resolved the issue.
    this code is for only greater than icon in image