我的 GCP 帐户没有组织并显示 "No Organization" 没有组织有什么缺点或负面影响?

My GCP Account does not have an Organization & displays "No Organization" What are the drawbacks or negative impact of having No Org?

我们有 2 个帐户拥有超级管理员权限。

帐户 #1 在没有 Workspace 的情况下注册。
帐户 #2 注册了 Workspace。
我们应用程序的项目在帐户 #1 下,但显示“无组织”。
我们的主域已在帐户 #2 下验证,并且确实有我们的组织。
您认为我应该将项目从帐户 #1 移至帐户 #2 吗?
或者尝试 delete/cancel 帐户 #2,并尝试移动主域和组织?

如果重要的话,帐户 #1 有一个带有 Cloud Firestore 的 Firebase 项目。


You can get better control of your projects as there will be an organization admin and you can use org policies.
Reduced risk of losing a project.
Reduced risk on rogue administrators.
You can create folders and segment your organization, eg engineering and billing.
You can use inheritance at org level.
You get Workspace org features.