带有 Doctrine 和 find() 的 PHPStan - 无法解析模板类型 T

PHPStan with Doctrine and find() - Unable to resolve the template type T


<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

interface ObjectManager
     * @param string $className The class name of the object to find.
     * @param mixed  $id        The identity of the object to find.
     * @psalm-param class-string<T> $className
     * @return object|null The found object.
     * @psalm-return T|null
     * @template T of object
    public function find($className, $id);

abstract class AbstractAppEntityRepository
    protected ObjectManager $manager;

    public function __construct(ObjectManager $manager)
        $this->manager = $manager;

     * @template T
     * @param class-string<T> $className
     * @param int|string|array<string, string|int> $id
     * @return T|null
    protected function findEntity(string $className, array | int | string $id)
         * @var T|null $entity
         * @phpstan-var T|null $entity
        $entity = $this->manager->find($className, $id);

        return $entity;

PHPStan 游乐场在分析后给我一个错误:

Line 39 - Unable to resolve the template type T in call to method ObjectManager::find()



将类型变量声明为 @template T of object 会有所帮助:https://phpstan.org/r/587e228b-0c21-4def-bfed-4cd53b955a4b

内联 @phpstan-var 也不是必需的。