JUnit5 是否有 ErrorCollector 规则模拟

Is there ErrorCollector rule analogue for JUnit5

JUnit4 中有 ErrorCollector 规则,现在我们必须在迁移到 JUnit5 期间切换到扩展。此处描述了 ErrorCollector 的用法 https://junit.org/junit4/javadoc/4.12/org/junit/rules/ErrorCollector.html JUnit5 中是否有类似的扩展?我在 assert-j https://www.javadoc.io/doc/org.assertj/assertj-core/latest/org/assertj/core/api/junit/jupiter/SoftAssertionsExtension.html 中找到了一个,但是 JUnit 5 中是否仍然支持同样的东西作为扩展?

注意:我想在系统测试级别上使用它。所以我会有 Step 1 -> assertion -> Step 2-> assertion->... assertAll 在我看来这里是更糟糕的选择,因为我必须存储用于验证的值并在测试结束时断言它们,而不是在某些地方我从哪里得到这些值。

assertAll(() -> {{Some block of code getting variable2}
                    assertEquals({what we expect from variable1}, variable1, "variable1 is wrong")},
                {Some block of code getting variable2}
        assertEquals({what we expect from variable2}, variable2, "variable2 is wrong"),
                {Some block of code getting variable3}
        assertEquals({what we expect from variable3}, variable3, "variable3 is wrong"));


木星的 aasertAll 最接近:https://junit.org/junit5/docs/current/user-guide/#writing-tests-assertions


void groupedAssertions() {
    // In a grouped assertion all assertions are executed, and all
    // failures will be reported together.
        () -> assertEquals("Jane", person.getFirstName()),
        () -> assertEquals("Doe", person.getLastName())

目前我认为最好的方法是像这样使用 assert-j

public class SoftAssertionsAssertJBDDTest {

    BDDSoftAssertions bdd;

    public void soft_assertions_extension_bdd_test() {
        //Some block of code getting variable1
        bdd.then(variable1).as("variable1 is wrong").isEqualTo({what we expect from variable1});
        //Some block of code getting variable2
        bdd.then(variable2).as("variable2 is wrong").isEqualTo({what we expect from variable2});
        //Some block of code getting variable3
        bdd.then(variable3).as("variable3 is wrong").isEqualTo({what we expect from variable3});

public class SoftAssertionsAssertJTest {

    public void soft_assertions_extension_test(SoftAssertions softly) {
        //Some block of code getting variable1
        softly.assertThat(variable1).as("variable1 is wrong").isEqualTo({what we expect from variable1});
        //Some block of code getting variable2
        softly.assertThat(variable2).as("variable2 is wrong").isEqualTo({what we expect from variable2});
        //Some block of code getting variable3
        softly.assertThat(variable3).as("variable3 is wrong").isEqualTo({what we expect from variable3});
