在 Forth 中,'expect' 读了多少个字符?

In Forth, how many characters does 'expect' read?

Forth-83 spec定义单词expect如下:

      EXPECT       addr +n --                    M,83                 
           Receive characters and store each into memory.  The transfer
           begins at addr proceeding towards higher addresses one byte
           per character until either a "return" is received or until
           +n characters have been transferred.  No more than +n
           characters will be stored.  The "return" is not stored into
           memory.  No characters are received or transferred if +n is
           zero.  All characters actually received and stored into
           memory will be displayed, with the "return" displaying as a

因此,它最多读取但不包括 RETURN 或 EOL。

但是没有终止符,也没有 return读取的字符数,我怎么知道字符串在哪里结束?

Leo Brodie 引用了一个词 accept,它的作用非常相似,具有签名 ( addr +n -- +m )。这确实 return 读取的字符数,这是我所期望的。但这不在规范中...


另请注意,在新标准中此功能已过时,请改用 ACCEPT