Excel Interop Range.Replace 方法无效

Excel Interop Range.Replace method not working

我正在尝试编写一个 C# 方法,该方法将从 Excel 电子表格中删除字符集合的所有实例。使用 Range 对象的 Replace 方法似乎是最有效的方法,而不是遍历每个单元格。这是我正在处理的内容:


 public static void ReplaceChars(this Range me, String toReplace, String replacement = "") {

        //App is a static reference to the active Excel instance.
        //Alerts must be suppressed for characters that are not present in data.
        App.DisplayAlerts = false; 

        for (Int32 i = 0; i < toReplace.Length; i++) {

                //I'm using "Substring(i,1)" rather than "foreach (Char c in toReplace)" 
                //because Excel maps Char values differently than .NET.
                What: toReplace.Substring(i, 1),

                Replacement: replacement,
                LookAt: XlLookAt.xlPart,
                SearchOrder: XlSearchOrder.xlByRows,
                MatchCase: true,
                MatchByte: false, //I'm not 100% what this arg does
                SearchFormat: false, //Or this one
                ReplaceFormat: false); //Or this one

        App.DisplayAlerts = true;



有时 'U' 不会被替换,有时 'T',有时所有数字。我真的无法预测。如果我注释掉设置 DisplayAlerts 并在 for 循环中放置一个断点,我将收到有关未替换字符的警报。

有人遇到过这样的 Range.Replace 问题吗?我只是没有正确分配参数吗?

我认为这一切都与相关范围的 NumberFormat 属性 有关。我在替换之前添加了这个并且它起作用了:

ws.Cells.NumberFormat = "@" //Set format to text
foreach (Range col in ws.Cells){ 
     //Iterate through columns rather than doing entire range to reduce memory overhead
     col.Value = col.Value //Flatten any lingering dates to text values