根据条件将不同的派生 classes 分配给基础 class

assign different derived classes to base class based on condition

我有一个基础 class 和两个衍生的 classes:

public class base1
    public int property1;
public class child1 : base1
    public int property2;
public class child2 : base1
    public int property3;

当我像这样分配 newProp 变量时:

int i = 2;
base1 newProp = (i == 0 ? new child1
   property1 = 1,
   property2 = 3
} : null);

它工作正常并且 newProp 类型更改为 child1 class 类型, 但我尝试做的是这样的:

int i = 2;
base1 newProp = (i == 0 ? new child1
   property1 = 1,
   property2 = 3
} : new child2
   property1 = 4,
   property3 = 6


Type of conditional expression cannot be determined because there is no implicit conversion between `class1` and `class2`


如 Lasse V. Karlsen 的评论中所述,在 C# 8.0 及更早版本中,第一个结果运算符和第二个结果运算符的类型必须相同,或者必须存在从一种类型到其他。 (see ?: operator (C# reference))

将其中之一显式转换为 base1 应该可以解决问题:

int i = 2;
base1 newProp = (i == 0
    ? (base1)new child1 
       property1 = 1,
       property2 = 3
    : new child2 
       property1 = 4,
       property3 = 6

int i = 2;
base1 newProp = (i == 0
    ? new child1 
       property1 = 1,
       property2 = 3
    : (base1)new child2 
       property1 = 4,
       property3 = 6

从 C# 9.0 开始,结果是目标类型的。 (again see ?: operator (C# reference))
但前提是目标类型已知(不使用 var)。


只需将其中一个分支转换为基础即可帮助编译器 class:

Base newProp = 
 (i == 0 
? (Base)new Child1 
    property1 = 1,
    property2 = 3
: new Child2 
   property1 = 4,
   property3 = 6