从 c# 中的不同文件夹引用 class

referencing a class from a different folder in c#

我有来自 2 个不同文件夹的 2 个程序,目前,我在 SectionA.cs(命名空间 SectionA,class 名称 Employee)中有一个 class,我想重用来自SectionB.cs(命名空间 SectionB)中的 class,但我不知道如何从 SectionB.cs 引用 class。我听说你必须使用 using SectionA; 但它给了我这个错误

The type or namespace name 'SectionA' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [SectionB]



using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace SectionA
    public delegate void generateDelegate(List<Employee> EmployeeList);
    public class Employee
        public string Nric, FullName, Salutation, Designation, Department, MobileNo, HireType;
        public DateTime Start_Date;
        public double Salary, MonthlyPayout;

        public Employee(string Nric, string FullName, string Salutation, DateTime Start_Date, string Designation, string Department, string MobileNo, string HireType, double Salary)
            this.Nric = Nric;
            this.FullName = FullName;
            this.Salutation = Salutation;
            this.Start_Date = Start_Date;
            this.Designation = Designation;
            this.Department = Department;
            this.MobileNo = MobileNo;
            this.Salary = Salary;
            this.MonthlyPayout = 0.0;
        static public string CorpAdmin(List<Employee> EmployeeList)
            string result = "";
            foreach (Employee employee in EmployeeList)
                result += employee.FullName + "," + employee.Designation + "," + employee.Department + "\n";
            return result;
        static public string Procurement(List<Employee> EmployeeList)
            string result = "";
            foreach (Employee employee in EmployeeList)
                result += employee.Salutation + "," + employee.FullName + "," + employee.MobileNo + "," + employee.Designation + "," + employee.Department + "\n";
            return result;
        static public string IT(List<Employee> EmployeeList)
            string result = "";
            foreach (Employee employee in EmployeeList)
                result += employee.Nric + "," + employee.FullName + "," + employee.Start_Date + "," + employee.Department + "," + employee.MobileNo + "\n";
            return result;
        static public List<Employee> readHRMasterList()
            List<Employee> EmployeeList = new List<Employee>();
            string direct = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            string path = "";
            string[] pathList = direct.Split("\");
            for (int i = 0; i < pathList.Length - 1; i++) { path = path + pathList[i] + "\"; }
            path += "HRMasterlist.txt";
            using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(path))
                string s;
                while ((s = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    string[] Emp = s.Split("|");
                    EmployeeList.Add(new Employee(Emp[0], Emp[1], Emp[2], Convert.ToDateTime(Emp[3]), Emp[4], Emp[5], Emp[6], Emp[7], Convert.ToDouble(Emp[8])));
            return EmployeeList;
        static public void generateInfoForCorpAadmin(List<Employee> Employee_list)
            string result = CorpAdmin(Employee_list);
            string path = @"CorporateAdmin.txt";
            string text = "";
            if (!File.Exists(path)) { using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(path)) { } }
            using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(path))
                string s;
                while ((s = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    if (s != "") { text = text + s + "\n"; }
            using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(path))
                sw.WriteLine(text + result);
        static public void generateInfoForProcurement(List<Employee> Employee_list)
            string result = Procurement(Employee_list);
            string path = @"Procurement.txt";
            string text = "";
            if (!File.Exists(path)) { using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(path)) { } }
            using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(path))
                string s;
                while ((s = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    if (s != "") { text = text + s + "\n"; }
            using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(path))
                sw.WriteLine(text + result);
        static public void generateInfoForITDepartment(List<Employee> Employee_list)
            string result = IT(Employee_list);
            string path = @"ITDepartment.txt";
            string text = "";
            if (!File.Exists(path)) { using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(path)) { } }
            using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(path))
                string s;
                while ((s = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    if (s != "") { text = text + s + "\n"; }
            using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(path))
                sw.WriteLine(text + result);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<Employee> EmployeeList = new List<Employee>();
            EmployeeList = readHRMasterList();
            generateDelegate del1 = generateInfoForCorpAadmin;
            generateDelegate del2 = generateInfoForProcurement;
            generateDelegate del3 = generateInfoForITDepartment;
            generateDelegate del = del1 + del2 + del3;


using System;
using SectionA;
namespace SectionB
    class SectionB
        static void Main(string[] args)

您需要将 SectionB 项目的引用添加到 SectionA 项目,然后 using 应该可以工作。

如果在Visual Studio中打开,可以右击SectionB -> References -> Add Reference 添加selectSectionA的引用

您可以尝试打开项目的 SectrionB.csproj 文件并添加项目引用,如下所示:

    <ProjectReference Include = "../SectionA.csproj" />


using ....