
Why is this maze generation algorithm producing one way roads?

我正在尝试编写一个算法来创建迷宫。算法 (DFS) 如下所示:

  1. Start at a random cell.
  2. Mark the current cell as visited, get a list of the neighbors. For each neighbor, starting with a randomly selected neighbor:
    If that neighbor hasn't been visited, remove the wall between this cell and that neighbor, and then recurse with that neighbor as the current cell.



我怀疑是错误的随机选择、错误的回溯或者算法在递归步骤中将每个单元格标记为已访问,导致没有死胡同,因为它无法返回到单元格,但我无法缩小问题范围. 小迷宫似乎也会产生同样的问题。


std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> getAdjacentCells(Cell arr[N][M], int i, int j)
    std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> neighbor_vec;
    if(i-2 >= 0)
        neighbor_vec.push_back(std::pair<int, int>(i-2, j));
    if(i+2 < N)
        neighbor_vec.push_back(std::pair<int, int>(i+2, j));
    if(j-2 >= 0)
        neighbor_vec.push_back(std::pair<int, int>(i, j-2));
    if(j+2 < M)
        neighbor_vec.push_back(std::pair<int, int>(i, j+2));

    return neighbor_vec;

void genMaze(Cell arr[N][M], int i, int j)
    // mark the current cell as visited
    Cell &curCell = arr[i][j];
    curCell.visited = true;
    curCell.isWall = false;

    // get a list of its neighbors
    std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> neighbors = getAdjacentCells(arr, i, j);

    // shuffle neighbor vector
    std::random_shuffle( neighbors.begin(), neighbors.end() );

    for(std::pair<int, int> coord : neighbors)
        int x,y;
        x = coord.first;
        y = coord.second;

        Cell &curNeighbor = arr[x][y];

        if(!curNeighbor.visited)   // remove wall inbetween given cell and neighbor

            if(!(i-x))   // on the same column

                if(j-y < 0)  // right hand neighbor
                    arr[i][j+1].isWall = false;
                    return genMaze(arr, x,y);
                else    // left hand neighbor
                    arr[i][j-1].isWall = false;
                    return genMaze(arr, x,y);

            else     // not in the same column

                if(i-x < 0)  // bottom neighbor
                    arr[i+1][j].isWall = false;
                    return genMaze(arr, x,y);
                else    // top neighbor
                    arr[i-1][j].isWall = false;
                    return genMaze(arr, x,y);



    arr[i][j].isEnd = true; // mark ending

单元格 class 仅包含标志。 它似乎与 post 算法相同(尽管问题不同):maze problem and Recursive backtracker algorithm


该算法会生成一条单向路径,因为 不包括 进一步生成其他路径。 创建第一个后,还需要进一步产生死角。在我实现的算法中,我没有考虑进一步生成其他路径;



for(int a = 0; a < N; a++)
    for(int b = 0; b < M; b++)
        if(arr[a][b].visited) // for every visited cell in the maze, get their neighbors
            std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> neighborOfCurCell = getAdjacentCells(arr, a, b);

            int visitedNeighborCount = 0;

            // for every neighbor, count the unvisited cells
            for(auto neighbor : neighborOfCurCell)
                Cell &currentNeighbor = arr[neighbor.first][neighbor.second];


            // if there is an unvisited neighbor after completing a path, backtrack with current cell
            if(visitedNeighborCount < neighborOfCurCell.size())
                return genMaze( arr, a, b );
