从 ADODB 记录集转换为 ADO.net 并且难以找出问题所在

Converting to ADO.net from ADODB recordset and having difficulty figuring out what the problem is

If gItemCnt > 0 Then
    For iRow = 1 To gItemCnt
        sSpecies = Mid(gItemArray(iRow), 15, 2)
        bFound = False
        For x = 1 To rsSum.RecordCount
            If rsSum.Fields("Species").Value = sSpecies Then
                bFound = True
                Exit For
            End If
        Next x
        If bFound = False Then
            rsSum.Fields("SpeciesSort").Value = GetDesc(gSpeciesCodes, sSpecies, 3, 1)
            rsSum.Fields("Species").Value = sSpecies
        End If
        lFootage = cPrint.GetItemArrayFootage(iRow, True)
        rsSum.Fields("MTDShipFootage").Value = rsSum.Fields("MTDShipFootage").Value + lFootage
    Next iRow
End If

上面是旧代码,下面是我尝试过的许多事情之一,但我的索引出了问题并抛出索引 'whatever number' 不存在的错误。

Dim bFound As Boolean
Dim lFootage As Integer
Dim iRow As Short
Dim lPlcHoldr As Long
Dim y As Integer = -1
x = -1

If gItemCnt > 0 Then
    For iRow = 1 To gItemCnt
        sSpecies = Mid(gItemArray(iRow), 15, 2)
        bFound = False
        Dim my_row As DataRow

        For Each my_row In dtSum.Rows
            If my_row("Species") = sSpecies Then
                bFound = True
                y += 1
                Exit For
            End If
            x += 1

        'For x = 0 To dtSum.Rows.Count - 1
        '    If dtSum.Rows(x)("Species") = sSpecies Then
        '        bFound = True
        '        Exit For
        '    End If
        'Next x
        Dim r As DataRow = dtSum.NewRow
        If bFound = False Then
            'Dim r As DataRow = dtSum.NewRow
            r("SpeciesSort") = GetDesc(gSpeciesCodes, sSpecies, 3, 1)
            r("Species") = sSpecies
            r("DlyShipFootage") = lPlcHoldr
            r("DlyRemanFootage") = lPlcHoldr
            r("DlyClaimFootage") = lPlcHoldr
            r("MTDShipFootage") = lPlcHoldr
            r("MTDRemanFootage") = lPlcHoldr
            r("MTDClaimFootage") = lPlcHoldr
            r("MTDClaimFootage") = lPlcHoldr
        End If
        If bFound = True Then
            x = y
            lFootage = cPrint.GetItemArrayFootage(iRow, True)
            dtSum.Rows(x)("MTDShipFootage") = dtSum.Rows(x)("MTDShipFootage") + lFootage
            daSum.Update(ds, "tblTmpDlySum")
            x += 1
            lFootage = cPrint.GetItemArrayFootage(iRow, True)
            r("MTDShipFootage") = r("MTDShipFootage") + lFootage
        End If

    Next iRow
End If

谁能看出我哪里搞砸了?我确定它是我在其中添加的 x and/or y。我是 vb.net 的新手,并且一起编码,因为 2022 年 12 月我被派去帮助将我们所有的遗留应用程序从 vb6 转换为 .net,我认为我应该将所有内容更新为 ado.net 同时更新其他所有内容。然而,这部分对我来说有点复杂。任何方向将不胜感激。

If gItemCnt > 0 Then

    For iRow = 1 To gItemCnt
        sSpecies = Mid(gItemArray(iRow), 15, 2)
        bFound = False

        For x = 0 To dtSum.Rows.Count - 1
            If dtSum.Rows(x)("Species") = sSpecies Then
                bFound = True
                Exit For
            End If
        Next x
        Dim r As DataRow = dtSum.NewRow
        If bFound = False Then
            'Dim r As DataRow = dtSum.NewRow
            r("SpeciesSort") = GetDesc(gSpeciesCodes, sSpecies, 3, 1)
            r("Species") = sSpecies
            r("DlyShipFootage") = lPlcHoldr
            r("DlyRemanFootage") = lPlcHoldr
            r("DlyClaimFootage") = lPlcHoldr
            r("MTDShipFootage") = lPlcHoldr
            r("MTDRemanFootage") = lPlcHoldr
            r("MTDClaimFootage") = lPlcHoldr
            r("MTDClaimFootage") = lPlcHoldr
        End If
        If bFound = True Then

            lFootage = cPrint.GetItemArrayFootage(iRow, True)
            dtSum.Rows(x)("MTDShipFootage") = dtSum.Rows(x)("MTDShipFootage") + lFootage
            daSum.Update(ds, "tblTmpDlySum")
            x = 0

            lFootage = cPrint.GetItemArrayFootage(iRow, True)
            r("MTDShipFootage") = r("MTDShipFootage") + lFootage
            x = 0
        End If

    Next iRow
End If

这就是它起作用的原因。谢谢你的帮助。我想有人和某个地方可以把事情说出来真的让我明白发生了什么。将 x 重置回 0 允许 for 循环从数据表的第一行开始。