
User Input with Gamepad Thumbsticks; How to use input.Delta

我正在使用 UserInputService 并尝试使用游戏手柄上的操纵杆。我已经检测到他们的运动,但我想知道它代表什么 input.Delta.X 或 Y means/what。



A Vector3 describing the Delta (change) between mouse/joystick movements.

This is useful when used with the input’s position to track the position and movement of the user’s mouse/joystick, such as when you’re creating custom movement or camera scripts. Consider tracking input object changes using the Instance.Changed event or when user input changes via events such as UserInputService.InputChanged and GuiObject.InputChanged.

Delta.X 和 Delta.Y 是该向量的 x 和 y 分量。
