(NOT) 验证 'any key' + 在 Delphi 上按下 DELETE 4

(NOT) Validate 'any key' + DELETE pressed on Delphi 4

我不知道如何捕捉 'any key'(except for CTRL) + 'Deletekey' 新闻。我发现了如何验证 CTRL + 'Deletekey'.


  1. 如果 'CTRL' + 'Deletekey' 被按下。 (已经实现了这个)
  2. 仅当按下 'Deletekey' 时。 (有问题,因为我可以组合 'any key'(except for CTRL) + Deletekey 并且它一直在执行操作 2),但是当且仅当 'Deletekey' 被按下时我才需要执行此操作。


编辑:感谢您的回复,我将展示我是如何完成第 1 点的:

上下文优先:我有一个名为 DPaint1KeyUp 的事件,它应该做什么?以图形方式删除绘制的元素(如果按下 DELETE),或者如果同时按下 CTRL + DELETE,则以图形方式从数据库中删除。

procedure TfMyClass.DPaint1KeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
  Shift: TShiftState);
  if (Shift = [ssctrl]) and (key = VK_DELETE) then
    //Going to delete graphically and from database

  if (Shift = []) and (key = VK_DELETE) then
    //Going to delete just Graphically

如果我同时按下 CTRL + DELETE,它会完美运行(以图形方式从数据库中删除。

但是,如果我同时按下与 DELETE 的任何组合(CTRL 除外),它会以图形方式删除,WRONG,因为如果我只需要以图形方式删除,我只需要按删除,不是任何其他组合


@fpiette "A key and DeleteKey simultaneously pressed"

如果您想确保按下的键组合不包含不需要的键,您首先需要使用 GetKeyboardState function.


上面提到的函数 returns 一个包含 256 项的数组,表示 Windows 中任何可能键的状态。


if (KeyState[I] and ) <> 0 then


并且由于键状态存储在高位中,我们使用 and 逻辑运算符和 </code> 作为其第二个参数,以便仅读取高位值。</p> <p>如果按键被按下,则该值将为 1,否则将为 0。</p> <p>因此您的代码将如下所示:</p> <pre><code>type //Define set for all possible keys TAllKeys = set of 0..255; ... implementation ... procedure TfMyClass.DPaint1KeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); var KeyState: TKeyboardState; I: Integer; DesiredKeys: TAllKeys; UndesiredKeys: TAllKeys; begin //Use desired keys to set all the keys you want to respoond to DesiredKeys := [VK_DELETE, VK_CONTROL, VK_LCONTROL, VK_RCONTROL, VK_MENU, VK_LMENU, VK_RMENU, VK_SHIFT, VK_LSHIFT, VK_RSHIFT]; //Set undesired keys set as all posible keys substracted by desired keys UndesiredKeys := [0..255] - DesiredKeys; //Retzrieve keyboard state so we can check if one of undesired keys is being pressed down GetKeyboardState(KeyState); //Loop through all keys //NOTE: In modern delphi versions it is possible to loop through elements of individual set using for..in loop // This would allow looping only through undesired keys and not checking every key tro se if it is amongst undesired keys for I := 0 to 255 do begin //If certain key is in undesired keys set check its status if I in UndesiredKeys then begin //If undesired key is pressed down exit the procedure if (KeyState[I] and ) <> 0 then begin //ShowMessage('Non-desired key pressed'); Exit; end; end; end; //If no undesired key is pressed continue with your old code if (Shift = [ssctrl]) and (key = VK_DELETE) then ShowMessage('Ctrl + Delete'); //Going to delete graphically and from database if (Shift = []) and (key = VK_DELETE) then ShowMessage('Delete only'); //Going to delete just Graphically end;

虽然这可能不是最有效的代码,但它可以完成工作。只是不要忘记将您确实想要做出反应的所有所需键添加到 DesiredKeys 集中,这样按下它们就不会退出 OnKeyUp 过程。