有条件地创建 aws_security_group_rule with count in terraform
Conditionally create aws_security_group_rule with count in terraform
我的 terraform 脚本中有以下代码
variable "sg_ingress_rules" {
type = map(map(any))
default = {
port_22 = { from = 22, to = 22, proto = "tcp", cidr = "", desc = "Allow port 22 from all" }
port_3306 = { from = 3306, to = 3306, proto = "tcp", cidr = "", desc = "Allow port 3306 from all" }
port_3307 = { from = 3307, to = 3307, proto = "tcp", cidr = "", desc = "Allow port 3307 from all" },
port_3308 = { from = 3308, to = 3308, proto = "tcp", cidr = "", desc = "Allow port 3308 from all" },
port_9103 = { from = 9103, to = 9103, proto = "tcp", cidr = "", desc = "Allow port 9103 from all" },
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "mysql_ingress_rules" {
for_each = var.sg_ingress_rules
type = "ingress"
from_port = each.value.from
to_port = each.value.to
protocol = each.value.proto
cidr_blocks = [each.value.cidr]
description = each.value.desc
security_group_id = aws_security_group.this[*].id
现在我只想在创建 mysql 实例时有条件地创建此规则。如果 launch_mysql 为假,它不会创建任何规则。我试过这种方法,但显然是错误的,因为你不能同时使用 count 和 for_each.
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "mysql_ingress_rules" {
count = var.launch_mysql ? 1 : 0
for_each = var.sg_ingress_rules
type = "ingress"
from_port = each.value.from
to_port = each.value.to
protocol = each.value.proto
cidr_blocks = [each.value.cidr]
description = each.value.desc
security_group_id = var.launch_mysql ? join("", aws_security_group.this[*].id) : "null"
我使用的是 terraform 版本 1.0.2。
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "mysql_ingress_rules" {
for_each = var.launch_mysql ? var.sg_ingress_rules : {}
type = "ingress"
from_port = each.value.from
to_port = each.value.to
protocol = each.value.proto
cidr_blocks = [each.value.cidr]
description = each.value.desc
security_group_id = aws_security_group.this[*].id
我的 terraform 脚本中有以下代码
variable "sg_ingress_rules" {
type = map(map(any))
default = {
port_22 = { from = 22, to = 22, proto = "tcp", cidr = "", desc = "Allow port 22 from all" }
port_3306 = { from = 3306, to = 3306, proto = "tcp", cidr = "", desc = "Allow port 3306 from all" }
port_3307 = { from = 3307, to = 3307, proto = "tcp", cidr = "", desc = "Allow port 3307 from all" },
port_3308 = { from = 3308, to = 3308, proto = "tcp", cidr = "", desc = "Allow port 3308 from all" },
port_9103 = { from = 9103, to = 9103, proto = "tcp", cidr = "", desc = "Allow port 9103 from all" },
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "mysql_ingress_rules" {
for_each = var.sg_ingress_rules
type = "ingress"
from_port = each.value.from
to_port = each.value.to
protocol = each.value.proto
cidr_blocks = [each.value.cidr]
description = each.value.desc
security_group_id = aws_security_group.this[*].id
现在我只想在创建 mysql 实例时有条件地创建此规则。如果 launch_mysql 为假,它不会创建任何规则。我试过这种方法,但显然是错误的,因为你不能同时使用 count 和 for_each.
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "mysql_ingress_rules" {
count = var.launch_mysql ? 1 : 0
for_each = var.sg_ingress_rules
type = "ingress"
from_port = each.value.from
to_port = each.value.to
protocol = each.value.proto
cidr_blocks = [each.value.cidr]
description = each.value.desc
security_group_id = var.launch_mysql ? join("", aws_security_group.this[*].id) : "null"
我使用的是 terraform 版本 1.0.2。
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "mysql_ingress_rules" {
for_each = var.launch_mysql ? var.sg_ingress_rules : {}
type = "ingress"
from_port = each.value.from
to_port = each.value.to
protocol = each.value.proto
cidr_blocks = [each.value.cidr]
description = each.value.desc
security_group_id = aws_security_group.this[*].id