带有显式 JSDoc 注释的奇怪打字稿推断

Weird typescript inference with explicit JSDoc annotations

我用打字稿风格的 JSDoc 注释编写了 vanilla JS。

推断出的 return 类型是 Promise<new (width?: number, height?: number) => HTMLImageElement>,我是不是漏掉了什么?

 * Load an image from a given URL
 * @param {String} url The URL of the image resource
 * @returns {Promise<Image>}
export function loadImage(url) {
   * We are going to return a Promise which, when we .then
   * will give us an Image that should be fully loaded
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
     * Create the image that we are going to use to
     * to hold the resource
    const image = new Image();
     * The Image API deals in even listeners and callbacks
     * we attach a listener for the "load" event which fires
     * when the Image has finished the network request and
     * populated the Image with data
    image.addEventListener("load", () => {
       * You have to manually tell the Promise that you are
       * done dealing with asynchronous stuff and you are ready
       * for it to give anything that attached a callback
       * through .then a realized value.  We do that by calling
       * resolve and passing it the realized value
      // @ts-ignore
     * Setting the Image.src is what starts the networking process
     * to populate an image.  After you set it, the browser fires
     * a request to get the resource.  We attached a load listener
     * which will be called once the request finishes and we have
     * image data
    image.src = url;

您使用了错误的 return 类型:@returns {Promise<Image>}


查看 TS 内置类型中的 Image 声明:

declare var Image: {
    new(width?: number, height?: number): HTMLImageElement;

尽管 Imageconstructor - 它没有声明为 class。因此,您不能在类型范围内使用它。


const x = 10;

type Y = x;

x 是一个值,而 Y 是一个类型。你不能把它们混在一起。 您只能在类型范围内使用 classesenums

您可能已经注意到,Image 是 return 和 HTMLImageElement 的构造函数。您的 JSDOC 中应使用此类型。


  1. @returns {Promise<InstanceType<Image>>}
  2. @returns {Promise<HTMLImageElement>}

将鼠标悬停在const image上,您会看到它是一个HTMLImageElement

请记住,您可以在 jsdoc

中使用 typescript utility types