如何在 Oracle 中的文本数据下方进行透视?

How to pivot below Text data in Oracle?

*Input Table : 如何将数据从两个不同的列获取到 oracle 中的一个列中。

name   age   city    state
 A      25    CAL     WB
 B      27    PAT     BR
 B      38    HOW     WB


 name   age   place
  A      25     CAL
  A      25     WB
  B      27     PAT
  B      27     BR
  B      38     HOW
  B      38     WB

您可以使用 union all :

select name, age, city as place
from t 
union all
select name, age, state as place
from t;

UNPIVOT 子句非常适合该目的。

with t (name, age, city, state) as (
select 'A', 25, 'CAL', 'WB' from dual union all
select 'B', 27, 'PAT', 'BR' from dual union all
select 'B', 38, 'HOW', 'WB' from dual
select name, age, place, type
from t
unpivot (
place for type in (
  city as 'city'
, state as 'state' 


select t.name, age, x.place
from input t cross join lateral
     (select t.city as place from dual union all
      select t.state as place from dual
     ) x;

我还认为 unpivoting 提供了对横向连接的一个很好的温和介绍,它在许多其他上下文中非常强大和有用(与不是很通用的 unpivot 语法相反)。