
How to group and display table data in a horizontal way?

交易 Table:

Client_ID 账户类型 交易日期 交易类型 金额
C100111001 C 1997-12-13 R 60
C100111001 C 1997-12-20 D 800
C100111001 E 1997-12-15 D 300
C100111001 E 1997-12-23 R 100
C100111002 C 1997-03-20 D 1000
C100111002 C 1997-03-25 R 40
C100111002 C 1997-05-20 D 500
C100111002 C 1997-08-20 R 80
C100111003 C 1998-12-25 D 1000
C100111003 C 1999-10-01 R 100
C100111003 C 1999-12-01 D 100
C100111003 V 1998-09-11 R 100
C100111003 V 1998-10-12 D 70
C100111003 V 1998-11-13 D 30
C100113002 C 1999-02-04 D 1000


select  AccType, SUM(Amount) as 'Amount' , year(TransDate) as 'Year'
from    Transactions
where   (year(TransDate)='1997' and TransType='D')
     or (year(TransDate)='1997' and TransType='R')
     or (year(TransDate)='1998' and TransType='D')
     or (year(TransDate)='1998' and TransType='R')
     or (year(TransDate)='1999' and TransType='D')
     or (year(TransDate)='1999' and TransType='R')
group by AccType, TransType, year(Transdate)
order by year(TransDate)


账户类型 金额 年份
C 2300.00 1997
C 180.00 1997
S 300.00 1997
S 100.00 1997
C 1000.00 1998
V 100.00 1998
V 100.00 1998
C 1100.00 1999
C 100.00 1999


账户类型 1997 学分 1997 借方 1998 学分 1998 借方 1999 学分 1999 借方
C 2300.0000 180.0000 1000.0000 0.0000 1100.0000 100.0000
E 300.0000 100.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
V 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000 100.0000 0.0000 0.0000

顶部的查询没有给我想要的结果。请参考所需的输出 Table 并帮助我。在我的结果 table 中,数据以垂直格式显示,因为我希望根据所需输出 Table.



select  AccType, SUM(Amount), year(TransDate) 
from    Transactions
where   (year(TransDate)='1997' and TransType='D')
     or (year(TransDate)='1997' and TransType='R')
     or (year(TransDate)='1998' and TransType='D')
     or (year(TransDate)='1998' and TransType='R')
     or (year(TransDate)='1999' and TransType='D')
     or (year(TransDate)='1999' and TransType='R')
group by AccType, TransType, year(Transdate)
order by year(TransDate)

正如我在评论中提到的,您不能不使用括号将它们正确分组就将 AND 运算符和 OR 运算符混合在一起。否则,它们将按照它们在查询中出现的顺序执行,这几乎是不正确的。


SELECT AccType, 
       COALESCE(SUM(CASE WHEN YEAR(TransDate) = 1997 AND TransType = 'D' THEN Amount END), 0) `1997 Credit`,
       COALESCE(SUM(CASE WHEN YEAR(TransDate) = 1997 AND TransType = 'R' THEN Amount END), 0) `1997 Debit`,
       COALESCE(SUM(CASE WHEN YEAR(TransDate) = 1998 AND TransType = 'D' THEN Amount END), 0) `1998 Credit`,
       COALESCE(SUM(CASE WHEN YEAR(TransDate) = 1998 AND TransType = 'R' THEN Amount END), 0) `1998 Debit`,
       COALESCE(SUM(CASE WHEN YEAR(TransDate) = 1999 AND TransType = 'D' THEN Amount END), 0) `1999 Credit`,
       COALESCE(SUM(CASE WHEN YEAR(TransDate) = 1999 AND TransType = 'R' THEN Amount END), 0) `1999 Debit`
FROM Transactions
WHERE YEAR(TransDate) IN (1997, 1998, 1999) 
  AND TransType IN ('D', 'R') -- you may remove this condition if 'D' and 'R' are the only possible values
