`std::filesystem::path` 没有反向迭代器?

No reverse iterators for `std::filesystem::path`?

std::filesystem::path 不提供反向迭代器(即 rbeginrend)是否有技术原因?

如果我有 std::filesystem::path 对应 /a/b/c/b/d/b/e 并且我想找到匹配 b 的第一个组件,我可以使用 std::find(p.begin(), p.end(), fs::path("b")).

但是如果我想找到匹配 blast 组件,我不能只切换到反向迭代器。我可以编写自己的循环,但这似乎是一个“几乎可以免费”实现的常见操作。



"std::reverse_iterator does not work with iterators whose dereference returns a reference to a member of *this (so-called "stashing iterators"). An example of a stashing iterator is std::filesystem::path::iterator."

同样来自 boost.org 的页面,上面写着:

Path iterators store their value objects internally and when dereferenced return references to those internal objects. They cannot be used with iterator adaptors such as std::reverse_iterator that assume references obtained by dereferencing an iterator point to objects that out-live the iterator itself.
