如何 select 包含 ManyToMany 关系中某些子项的父项?

How to select parent that contains certain children from his ManyToMany relation?

给定这段代码 (Python & TortoiseORM):

class Recipe(Model):
    description = fields.CharField(max_length=1024)
    ingredients = fields.ManyToManyField(model_name="models.Ingredient", on_delete=fields.SET_NULL)

class Ingredient(Model):
    name = fields.CharField(max_length=128)

如何查询同时包含 Ingredient.name="tomato" 和 Ingredient.name="onion" 的所有食谱? 我相信在 Django-ORM 中,可以使用 & 运算符或相交方法对 QuerySet 进行一些交集。

更新 #1
这个查询有效,但在我看来有点混乱,当我想要 f.e 时会出现问题。查询包含超过 2 种成分的所有食谱。

subquery = Subquery(Recipe.filter(ingredients__name="onion").values("id"))  
await Recipe.filter(pk__in=subquery , ingredients__name="tomato")  

更新 #2

SELECT "recipe"."description",
FROM   "recipe"
       LEFT OUTER JOIN "recipe_ingredient"
                    ON "recipe"."id" = "recipe_ingredient"."recipe_id"
       LEFT OUTER JOIN "ingredient"
                    ON "recipe_ingredient"."ingredient_id" = "ingredient"."id"
WHERE  "ingredient"."name" = 'tomato'
       AND "ingredient"."name" = 'onion'



通过使用两次 .filter(…) [Django-doc] 调用,我们进行 两次 LEFT OUTER JOINs,一次搜索 tomato,一次搜索 onion。这显然只适用于 Django ORM,不适用于 Tortoise ORM。


SELECT recipe.id, recipe.description
FROM recipe
INNER JOIN recipe_ingredients ON recipe.id = recipe_ingredients.recipe_id
INNER JOIN ingredient ON recipe_ingredients.ingredient_id = ingredient.id
INNER JOIN recipe_ingredients T4 ON recipe.id = T4.recipe_id
INNER JOIN ingredient T5 ON T4.ingredient_id = T5.id
WHERE ingredient.name = tomato
  AND T5.name = onion

另一种选择是制作一个LEFT OUTER JOIN,并检查项目数是否与项目数匹配,所以:

from django.db.models import Count

items = {'tomato', 'onion'}


或在 之前:

from django.db.models import Count

items = {'tomato', 'onion'}



SELECT recipe.id, recipe.description
FROM recipe
INNER JOIN recipe_ingredients ON recipe.id = recipe_ingredients.recipe_id
INNER JOIN ingredient ON recipe_ingredients.ingredient_id = ingredient.id
WHERE ingredient.name IN (onion, tomato)
GROUP BY recipe.id
HAVING <strong>COUNT(recipe_ingredients.ingredient_id) = 2</strong>

特别是 HAVING COUNT(recipe_ingredients.ingredient_id) 是这里的关键,因为 WHERE 子句已经将其过滤为仅洋葱和西红柿。

这要求成分的 name 是唯一的(即没有两个 Ingredient 记录具有相同的名称)。您可以使用以下方法使 name 字段唯一:

class Ingredient(Model):
    name = fields.CharField(<b>unique=True,</b> max_length=128)