okta-auth-js Uncaught TypeError: Super expression must either be null or a function

okta-auth-js Uncaught TypeError: Super expression must either be null or a function


enter image description here


OS: Linux/Ubuntu
React version: 16.13.0
@okta/okta-auth-js: 5.2.2
@okta/okta-react: 6.0.0
@okta/okta-signin-widget: 5.5.0

所以基本上我使用了 okta 的 CDN 并在 index.html 中初始化它并且它起作用了。

把这个放在你的 index.html 头标签中。

  src="https://global.oktacdnenter code here.com/okta-auth-js/4.5.0/okta-auth-js.min.js"
  var redirectUri = `${location.origin}/okta`;
    window.myOkta = new OktaAuth({
     ...your credentials goes here.

现在您可以将 myOkta 变量用作 okta Api。