自定义组件接收布尔变量但不更新 HTML 中的 NgIf

Custom component receives boolean variable but does not update NgIf in HTML

我有一个自定义组件,其视图中有一个 *ngIf 并接收一个布尔变量,但 *ngIf 不起作用。这是代码:


@Input('title') titleText;
@Input('backButton') backButton;
@Input('avatarImage') avatarImage;
@Input('userId') userId;
@Output('avatarClicked') avatarClicked = new EventEmitter()

titlePage: string;
img: string; 
back: boolean = false;

constructor() {}

ngAfterViewInit() {
    this.titlePage = this.titleText;
    this.img = this.avatarImage;    
    this.back = this.backButton;    

openPersonalData() {
    this.avatarClicked.emit({value: this.userId})


        <ion-buttons *ngIf="back == true" slot="start">
            <ion-back-button text="Voltar"></ion-back-button>
        <ion-title>{{ titlePage }}</ion-title>        
        <ion-avatar slot="end" (click)="openPersonalData()">
            <img [src]="img">


<app-header title="Chat" 
    avatarImage="{{ user[0].img }}" 
    userId="{{ user[0].id }}" 


我认为您的输入是在 ngAfterViewInit 生命周期挂钩之后设置的。重新分配一个字段也有点多余。您只需在模板中使用 backButton 输入即可。

<ion-buttons *ngIf="backButton == true" slot="start">


可以查一下here:(只需要将[backButton]="true"的值改为[backButton]="false"即可看到它 showing/not 显示儿子)

父亲 HTML:

  title="If you see this, backButton is set to true"

儿子 HTML:

<div *ngIf="backButton">
  {{ title }}

儿子组件 TS:

import { Component, Input } from "@angular/core";

  selector: "app-header",
  templateUrl: "./header.component.html",
  styleUrls: []
export class HeaderComponent {
  @Input("title") title;
  @Input("backButton") backButton;

我认为你应该在 ngOnchnages 生命周期方法中影响你的数据值:

// 每当组件@Inputs 改变时运行

@Input('title') titleText;
@Input('backButton') backButton: boolean;
@Input('avatarImage') avatarImage;
@Input('userId') userId;
@Output('avatarClicked') avatarClicked = new EventEmitter()

titlePage: string;
img: string; 
back: boolean = false;


   ngOnChanges () {
        // Check if the data exists before using it
        if (this.backButton) {
             this.back = this.backButton; 