安全数学 ​​Class。如何创建链式计算?

SafeMath Class. How to create chainable calculations?


我创建了一个具有安全数学函数的 class。每个函数都有 2 个参数,在通过断言求值后,它 returns 结果。


class SafeMath {

  static add(x: number, y: number) {
    let z: number = x + y;
    assert(z >= x, 'ds-math-add-overflow');
    return z;

  static sub(x: number, y: number) {
    let z: number = x - y;
    assert(z <= x, 'ds-math-sub-underflow');
    return z;

  static mul(x: number, y: number) {
    let z: number = x * y;
    assert(y == 0 || z / y == x, 'ds-math-mul-overflow');
    return z;

  static div(x: number, y: number) {
    let z: number = x / y;
    assert(x > 0 || y > 0, 'ds-math-div-by-zero');
    return z;


console.log(SafeMath.add(2,2)); // 4
console.log(SafeMath.sub(2,2)); // 0
console.log(SafeMath.mul(2,2)); // 4
console.log(SafeMath.div(2,2)); // 1


let balance0: number = 1;
let balance1: number = 1;

let amount0In: number = 10;
let amount1In: number = 10;

let balance0Adjusted: number = balance0.mul(1000).sub(amount0In.mul(3));
let balance1Adjusted: number = balance1.mul(1000).sub(amount1In.mul(3));

...函数将接受 y 并将前一个数字用作 x


if (!Number.prototype.mul)  // check that the mul method does not already exist 
  Number.prototype.mul = function(n){ return this * n }
if (!Number.prototype.add)
  Number.prototype.add = function(n){ return this + n }
let val = 5
let doubleValPlus500 = val.mul(2).add(500)

console.log( doubleValPlus500 )

Number.prototype 基于示例

import { assert } from "https://deno.land/std@0.102.0/testing/asserts.ts";

declare global {

    Augument global Number.prototype with the following custom functions

    Warning - While this may look like a clean approach, it is considered 
    unsafe due to javascript possibly choosing to natively implement these
    exact function names in the near future. To avoid this, choose unique
    function names.

  interface Number {
    add(n: number): number;
    sub(n: number): number;
    mul(n: number): number;
    div(n: number): number;
    pow(n: number): number;
    sqrt(): number;
    print(): number;

Number.prototype.add = function(this:number, n:number) {

  assert((this + n) >= this, 'ds-math-add-overflow');
  return this + n;

Number.prototype.sub = function(this:number, n:number) {

  assert((this - n) <= this, 'ds-math-sub-underflow');
  return this - n;

Number.prototype.mul = function(this:number, n:number) {

  assert(n == 0 || (this * n) / n == this, 'ds-math-mul-overflow');
  return this * n;

Number.prototype.div = function(this:number, n:number) {

  assert(this > 0 || n > 0, 'ds-math-div-by-zero');
  return this / n;

Number.prototype.pow = function(this:number, n:number) {

  assert(this > 0 && n >= 2, 'ds-math-exp-to-zero');
  return this ** n;

// babylonian method (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methods_of_computing_square_roots#Babylonian_method)
Number.prototype.sqrt = function(this:number) {

  assert(this > 0, 'ds-math-sqrt-of-zero');

  let x: number = 0;
  let y: number = this;
  let z: number = 0;

  if (y > 3) {
    z = y;
    x = y / 2 + 1;
    while (x < z) {
      z = x;
      x = (y / x + x) / 2;
  } else if (y != 0) {
    z = 1;
  return z;

Number.prototype.print = function(this:number) {

  console.log('=', this);
  return this;

// Here it is in action:

let balance = 0;



= 10
= 9
= 18
= 6
= 1296
= 36

Class 基于示例

import { assert } from "https://deno.land/std@0.102.0/testing/asserts.ts";

class SafeMath {
  private n: number;

  constructor(start: number = 0) {
    this.n = start;

  public add(y: number) {

    assert(this.n + y >= this.n, 'ds-math-add-overflow');

    let z: number = this.n + y;

    this.n = this.n + y;
    return this;

  public sub(y: number) {

    assert(this.n - y <= this.n, 'ds-math-sub-underflow');

    let z: number = this.n - y;

    this.n = this.n - y;
    return this;

  public mul(y: number) {

    assert(y == 0 || (this.n * y) / y == this.n, 'ds-math-mul-overflow');

    let z: number = this.n * y;

    this.n = this.n * y;
    return this;

  public div(y: number) {

    assert(this.n > 0 || y > 0, 'ds-math-div-by-zero');

    let z: number = this.n / y;

    this.n = this.n / y;
    return this;

  public pow(y: number) {

    assert(this.n > 0 && y >= 2, 'ds-math-exp-to-zero');

    let z: number = this.n ** y;
    this.n = this.n ** y;
    return this;

  // babylonian method (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methods_of_computing_square_roots#Babylonian_method)
  public sqrt() {

    assert(this.n > 0, 'ds-math-sqrt-of-zero');

    let x: number = 0;
    let y: number = this.n;
    let z: number = 0;

    if (y > 3) {
      z = y;
      this.n = z;
      x = y / 2 + 1;
      while (x < z) {
        z = x;
        this.n = z
        x = (y / x + x) / 2;
    } else if (y != 0) {
      z = 1;
      this.n = z
    return this;

  public print() {
    console.log('=', this.n);
    return this;


// Here it is in action:

new SafeMath(0).add(10).print().sub(1).print().mul(2).print().div(3).print().pow(4).print().sqrt().print();


= 10
= 9
= 18
= 6
= 1296
= 36

您可以修改 Number.prototype 以添加函数,以便您可以链接这些操作。使用 string 属性 键通常被认为是一种不好的做法(请参阅 Why is extending native objects a bad practice?). You can use unique symbol 属性 键而不是字符串 属性 键以避免名称冲突等

这是一个示例模块,它使用唯一符号安全地“扩展”Number.prototype 乘法函数,并将新函数签名添加到 TypeScript Number 接口:


const mul = Symbol("multiply");

function value(this: number, n: number) {
  return this * n;

declare global {
  interface Number {
    [mul]: typeof value;

Object.defineProperty(Number.prototype, mul, { value });

export default mul;


import mul from "./mul.ts";
import sub from "./sub.ts";

const balance = 1;
const amountIn = 10;
const balanceAdjusted = balance[mul](1000)[sub](amountIn[mul](3));

使这些数学运算可链接的一个好处是,您可以在处理空值时将它们与 optional chaining operator 结合使用,这有时会派上用场。

无需使用符号也可以完成同样的操作,但对于可能为 mul 等定义自己的 Number 方法的 JavaScript 的未来版本来说是不安全的:


function value(this: number, n: number) {
  return this * n;

declare global {
  interface Number {
    mul: typeof value;

Object.defineProperty(Number.prototype, "mul", { value });

export {}; // you have to import or export something to make it a module
import "./mul.ts";
import "./sub.ts";

const balance = 1;
const amountIn = 10;
const balanceAdjusted = balance.mul(1000).sub(amountIn.mul(3));



export { default as mul } from "./mul.ts";
export { default as sub } from "./sub.ts";
/* and so forth */


import { mul, sub } from "./math.ts";

const balance = 1;
const amountIn = 10;
const balanceAdjusted = balance[mul](1000)[sub](amountIn[mul](3));